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Everything posted by duke

  1. thanks for the replies. i went along and wasnt very impressed, another garage to mark down on my sh!tlist - its getting very big now - which remids me, is indie car sales still on the go? i hate used car salesmen - they really piss me off and i always feel like i'm getting done
  2. GM Imports in kilmarnock - anyone know anything about it or heard anything? cheers.
  3. moi aussie 1 Dorikin 2 scoobylav 3 macko 4 redeye and pete if you come along can you please bring my bumper as per our last conversation its no longer mine and i need to return it - cheers. cheers, nyle
  4. nah best make it the 13th - being lucky and all that anyone going to megadeth on thursday?
  5. well hopefully not the 29th or 30th as its derby day!!! FTD
  6. nah i was meaning a - cough-opy - not the original jap game - paid enough for my jap version of sfII on my Snes back in the day!
  7. messiah 3 switchable chip compatible? if so how much for unt copy? cheers
  8. even better during the day if fast car (i presume what is meant by fc) is at crail as it means all the burberry brigade will busy busy and the pigs busy looking after them - and besides, what i have in mind i know is much better anyone seen mr.elusive recently... still aint heard from him... ... oh and theres a silver classic with some graphics parked round the corner from me and quite often i heard that "burble" reverberating around the law - anyone here?
  9. would around 10:30/11 a.m suite sir? looks to be a good day
  10. ok how about the sun 6th feb daytime for a similar tecknopetesque wee surprise that would be nice
  11. hehe - was just thinking about this today... been almost a year since the last one... hows about last sunday of the month usual place and time...? and just for you and your sidekick grant http://www.hotink.com/wacky/
  12. pm now activated. if anyone speaks to pete, or pete if ur reading this: i really need my bumper back by this weekend. 'lav what did u break - u been chasing lancers again is a firestorm a 3" input - might try one on the lancer, they do sound good. see u guys soon
  13. grant lancer isnt gone; when a push came to a shove i couldnt let her go - to replace it with something with similar fun factor was gonna be to much and the bird was getting pissed off with all the cars i was considering as were supposed to be saving for a new house - but i'll remind her next time she brings a new pair of shoes home or comes back from the hairdressers with loaded questions about her 80 quid haircut ian - been busy myself - the shock of actually working in a proper job finally - all these years ar uni have finally paid off! seen pete, really need to get hold of him asap to get my bumper back as its had a new owner the past 4 weeks - he gonna be around saturday, if not know how i can get holdof him? see ya all sat - what sthe plan/meeting arrangements - we gonna be rollin ? oh and thanks russ for the invite, but unfortunately i'm a fair bit below the 30 year old age limit
  14. grant, where have the usual suspects (hard core ) cruisers gone...? no seen anyone about in ages, specially for banter.... ...they all playing on their wee bikes now?
  15. öõê that means i'll have to lay off the kebabs for a while! last one i was, last year, was mental, - remember sam & brian from mlr getting a wee bit competive and a few folk were playing mario kart tactics - typical of the slower folk + on they way back home think a few folk forgot that they were out of the karts, never crossed the forth road bridge so quiclky before
  16. daz, wheres this kenneth melville on the perth road, tahts my stomping ground and if theres a good garage tehre i'll need to check it out - what like, prices? also when u passed in the opposite direction the other day on the lochee road that was some grumble - u had other bits done? kev, I've found AWD easy to deal with and although an incident occurred last clutch change, they recitifed the mistake without any hassle which is/was better than most garages. Grant is a freindly chap and should se you alright. Others will have differing opinions but you'll not find a garage that everyone reccomends the same, overall i'd say in my experience AWD are the best local garage. Dundee, unfortunately is not blessed with very good garages - wouldnt even take my old orion to some of them! theres been a few new scoobs recently around in dundee - came across dude in a black <97 one on the kingsway and we introduced ourselves - also seen a red, green and a few silver ones, all older shape, floating around the law/lochee road hilltown area quite a bit. quite a crowd of you guys now, just makes the proper 4wd jap turbo stand out better cya all on 20th - whats the plan if any?
  17. so whats the arrangements? any track time available? whens the nxt dundee ricers meet? cheers, nyle
  18. thanks text received.
  19. Pete gonna give me call please. or if anyone speaks to pete ask him to call me. cheers. Nyle
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