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Everything posted by HOL

  1. 1.wedmonds1 2.HOL This was a right laugh last time.
  2. Merde! Ferme la bouche Voules vous en couche avec moi ces-soir dan man chambre. Phonetically incorrect, but served me well on many a French exchange trip at school! []
  3. 1. Loony Toon & Vicky Plum 2. Pele 3. Q Dog 4. White Warrior 5. Scoots 6. Daniel and Danela 7. T123VOR & CONNOR - Can you get kids sizes by chance? 8. Dunks 9. HairyDJ & Chrissy 10. pornodan (med) & louise (small) 11. Prodrive Tony 12. HOL Shame it does not match my Maclaren F1 Owners top [:|] But, who cares, we have T Shirts![Y]
  4. You do have to remember that you will be getting a dealer stamp in your book for a dealer service. It should not really make a difference to the parts used or the ability of the fitter concerned, but if you have a UK warrantied car, that is a consideration for the warranty when selling the car to someone else. I personally am not woried as I have always had JDM cars and am happy to reap the lower labour costs of a specialist like Extreme and not worry about keeping the 'book' straight.
  5. I'll pop down early afternoon to give a hand. Do you need to borrow and ramps/jacks/special spanners or tools. I can drop them off at around 8.00 am on my way to the gym? Have you got Luke for the day, he's welcome to come round ours for the day and play yu-gi-oh with Kyle all day.
  6. Its true - you try writing the milkman a note with a hammer.
  7. Sorry mate, I have never liked the look of those spoilers on anything other than a LeMans car. [] But, whatever floats your boat. It will certainly get you more noticed!
  8. Ill be there later in the evening as its a training night. [:|]
  9. For those that are going to Alton we will be meeting at Notcutts at 9.00am for a 9.30 start of a slow convoy down there. If you need a Satnav reference for Alton High street, use: GU34 1AB. I will put up post on the ESC site to say we will pull into the Clacketts sliproad at about 10.00 - 10.15, in case an straglers from Essex want to join us.
  10. HOL


    Why do you think my username is simply 'HOL' [] Named after a numberplate!
  11. And I thought I was over the top buying my missus a 182 Clio for Valenties/Birthday! [] I had my reasons though! []
  12. Just seen an easier one off junction 8. A414 Postcode: HP2 4TZ
  13. 6.15 at the Wharf for a 6.30 departure then! Make sure you all fill up with your favourite brew tonight! If not, there are two shell garages just off of Junction 11 of the M1. I may pull in there myself to top up.
  14. I need to see what the footies fixtures are that weekend, before I can say for definite. I will be there one day, at least. If we camp, is it near the cars, or the other end of the field?
  15. Are they by the side of the road, or on overhead gantries?
  16. I wondered when you posted about a bubbling overflow tank, as that happened to a mates scoob. I didn't mention it as I was hoping it was overheating related (Thermostat etc), as you seem to be having some many teething problems. Could have been worse!, you could have bought a TVR! [] It would be nornal....
  17. Oh dear!. There is less of us to go then. Is anyone gonna the Kent Scoobies banner with them? (I remember Phil saying we had one??) Also, who else has SatNav? It would be nice if looked out for each other on the way up, as it is easy for the big convoy to get broken up a junctions and traffic lights. I have the details of the 'back route' if anyone wanted to PM me for them, so they wont get lost. If we can stay together in the big convoy, we can have one satnav up fron, and one 5/6 cars behind. 1. XBX 2. Q Dog 3. White Warrior 4. Granby 5. Sheepie 6. Daniel 7. Hol (on track) 8. Shiralee (poss on track) 9. HairyDj
  18. Hey you know what they say about these 'tradesmen' By the time they have learnt the tricks of the trade. Their tools are all worn out! Must have had a refurb along the line somewhere to last 14years??? Happy 14th
  19. Phil likes a Lager cocktail (50% 1664 and err 50% 1664) - Stirred (anti-clockwise), but not 'shaken' if you wanted to thank him! []
  20. He drove over a rumble strip and thought his big ends had gone! []
  21. Did you have any smaller pictures! [] They look fine to me, Better than the old ones anyway.
  22. Is the overflow still bubbling, even though the car is not overheated?
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