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Everything posted by HOL

  1. Good luck guys, Just keep the 'loud' pedal on the floor more than the 'screechy' one and you'll be fine.
  2. 1. Pele 2. Scuzz 3. Loony Toon TBC 4. deani_age 5. Andy XBX 6. Daniel 7. Prodrive Tony TBC 8. Rossyboy wrx 9. Loonybin 10. Riceboy 11. Nudge 12. Aooli 13. Q-Dog 14. Padtwo 15. Scott Parker 16. HOL Go on Trev, you know you want to! Does everybody realise that Scott Parker works for Boyd Coddington on 'American Hotrod'. [H]
  3. 1. daisy 2. Markie 3. STiBen 4. Granby 5. Dalthegooner 6. HOL Are we going to Nick the best parking from the EVO's again [] That was funny!
  4. 'Bannockburn' Sounds painful! Must be all that sliding down a hillside without anything on under your kilt! [:S]
  5. 1. granby 2. basser 3. scoobytoo 4. T123VOR 5. Dalthegooner 6. yogibear tbc 7. shrek 8. Dunks 9. Daisy 10. Sheepie 11. HOL
  6. Just had a look at a few websites to see if there is anything on and thi si sthe best they could offer: 5, 6, 13, 19, 20, 26 August: 1.45pm Jousting Tournaments: Spectacular entertainment with full gallop jousts performed by the 'Knights of Royal England' Price: £24.90 family ticket Venue: Hever Nr Edenbridge TN8 7NG Contact: 01732 865224 mail@hevercastle.co.uk www.hevercastle.co.uk Bit expensive though.
  7. I have heard and read that it is just the european name for Optimax and hence only 98-ish? Would like to be proved wrong though!
  8. I was supposed to be going sailing with my Bro this weekend. But I hate boats (under 40ft anyway!) and have got out of it. So I may come along. []
  9. I think a drink or two to the newborn will be declared tonight at the meet! Congratulations to all!
  10. I sold my two side teardrop peices on their own recently for £60 and I was told that was cheap by the guy buying them as they are about £70 each with the VAT new. Just thought, I would mention that. Have you tried seeing if Jap performance parts would give you a credit note for them against something else? Its worth a try is there is something else you may be after that they have.
  11. Ill PM you my Mobile. I should be around later on Saturday afternoon so you can pop round and choose one. You might be lucky and get somewhere local to change it over. As long as the one you bring back has the tyre on the right way and balanced, im happy.
  12. There are loads of threads like this in SN. http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?...ighlight=offset Remember it is not just the off-set, but also the shape as it rotates around the callipers.
  13. I never have anything like that happen to me. [] The most exciting bit was going round and round a small roundabout waiting for a gap on the sliproad, so I could nail it full throttle from second to sixth.
  14. There's my only competition out of the way then []
  15. Are they ALL good? I have a set I got forr trackdays and two are mint, if you wanted to swap the tyres over. Im probably going to spray them grey anyway.
  16. I saw a TypeR with a sunroof, once (or Twice) [] Yours sounds like a Euro = TD04. That is nothing to worry about as an 05 can be had quite easily.
  17. Good choice! Its always good to get a few mods inlcuded from the start and these are great cars. I really do miss my Type R sometimes. The best mod you could ever do is the taller 5th gear though! - One of the best things I ever did. Now get over scoobynet and stick it in the TypeR corner []
  18. Yeah!, but they beat the french!
  19. You can try my PFF7's on it one day, to see what they look like, so long as you dont drive off []. Although I think a kit like that, would benefit with more 'unusual' rims. I think you are limited to few wheels, that fit over the Brembos as standard..
  20. Nope he got his dates mixed up (again []) he was having it mapped today Yup, down at BRD today, having the front mount and new WI set up mapped in. It managed more ignition and less fuel without det (which equals power! []). Still 95% of the injectors max though! - So they deffo need to be uprated soon. Bob does have something special in mind for the car, but due to a glitch it couldn't be done today.
  21. It needs bigger wheels. Was the bumper a replacement, or did you cut the old skin up?
  22. hmmmm Surprising what you can do with sugar but thats another story [] The best advice I can give anyone is don't use clingfilm for certain things, even if you are a skint student. Its not as versatile as you think [:$]
  23. Nice write up. And good power for some basic mods. I remember my first BRD remap. It was in heavy rain and there was not a lot of grip [] When it did get some, the clutch had enough and started to slip. Even in the dry, its a bit disconcerting. Back there this Saturday in fact. []
  24. Was a girl driving that one too? []
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