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Everything posted by HOL

  1. Bring it round one weekend and Ill weld it back together, so you can bolt it back on. Assuming that you have all the bits??
  2. Welcome back - you big tart! []
  3. When Monty's my98 maf went, the car started and ran, but the tickover was erractic. So I do not think it is MAF. 90% of the time, these things turn out to be Electrical, rather than mechanical. What confuses me is that the car was fine, when you last drove. If the pump went then, your car would start, but stop suddenly when the fuel in the system ran out. Did this happen and can you hear the pump starting when you turn on the ignition. Do you have an immobiliser? This could have broken down. Have you checked the main loom multiplug (under the battery I think) as this would have been undone and reattached, when the engine was removed and replaced. Stick a jump lead between the negative of the battery and the engine, in case it is a bad earth. Finally, give M25 Flyer a PM, he is an RAC man and may have some more accurate advice.
  4. If someone near you has a My99/00 SECS monitor, they could plug it in tour car and read any fault codes. If not, there is a way of getting the fault codes off the car, but I'd have to search SN to find out how. (Never had to do it as my Classic had a Link ECU and my newgage has a SECS). Was the car ok, upto the point that you switched it off?
  5. Luckily the keys stay in the ignition barrel of the new car.[] <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Last year I got straight to the front and never saw anyone else [] [famous last words] I will be taking it easier this year as pushing it flat out is very hard on my tyres. [/famous last words]
  6. Welcome to the 'Grinning' club [] Be careful, you'll end up spending loads in petrol, just 'going for a drive'.
  7. APS. Specifically made and shaped for the Scooby. Dont get me wrong, there is some body work to remove, but all you actually see is the cooling part and not the end tanks, like some other front mounts,
  8. Unfortunately. some of the pictures from inside the garage are pretty pants. These ones just about survived. Before we start: Arron (Guru) and power tools = Danger! Its a BIG blighter: A little bit of Body work modification. The finished article:
  9. 1. Pele - Mbrship No supplied 2. Loony Toon - Mbrship No supplied 3. Granby - Mbrship No supplied 4. Shrek - Membership No Supplied 5. Markie 6. Scoobytoo - m/ship no. supplied. 7. Scuzz - Mbrship No supplied 8. Looney Bin -Mbrship No supplied 9. mickyw- m/ship no supplied 10. HOL - Mship no Supplied. This does not mean you cannot come but means you have to park with the door dingers !!!!!!!! Non SIDC members 1. 2. 3. Lets make this one a fun day for all
  10. The newage lives in Princes Park. And never waves. It was parked down my Gym once when I had my classic parked there. Still no wave after that? The plate has been on two cars now. An 02 and that 04,
  11. Which is why we only have crayons and not pencils Anyway welcome to Kent Scoobie!
  12. It may well miss the 7th July, with the FMIC at the moment. Changing back to the TMIC is not really that big a deal. It only inolved removing the top half and replacing the IC original brackets. The map does not seem to like the change one bit, and is hesitant immediately you hit boost. Admittedly, I have not driven it more than 3 mins, but until I get more time, I did not want to.
  13. Lets have a Vote [6] OK OK I'll get my coat [:$] Ban him [] [] [
  14. All Votes now on their own thread, but my spelling is pants and I locked it by nistake and cannot edit them out! There is a matrix on there showing ALL votes including newbies and family members. Please have a look, but try not to make strange comparisons: What if only the guys had voted etc.....
  15. Firstly, I would like to add that there is one vote that I did not count before it was deleted from the thread, that is Shreks. His vote is therefore not included in the figures below. I would also like to add that it has been suggested many times that the two Yellow votes (1 & 12) and the two Grey votes (5&10), be added together. That HAS NOT BEEN DONE in the figures below, but you can make your own assumptionsas to the most popular colours. By excluding all new family member logins and new logins that were created after the 9th May watershed, the votes are as follows: You can easily see that the combined votes of 5&10, are a clear favourite. This next listing is for ALL VOTES, excluding Shreks, who I know voted for 10 as first choice, but I do not know his second. The vote is closer (see Graph Below), but only after things got silly on the 29th. However Grey is still the winner! Finally, I have included a Graphy to show the voying paters of ALL VOTES. I know the colours are wrong, but im not that good at graphs on Excel. You can see a huge jump in 1 & 10, where the voting started to get inconsistent, with the early stages. Please note that the purpose of this exercise was to find a clear winner for the colour of the T-Shirt. There are clearly two favourites, but only one actual winner on aggregate. Andy By way of cm
  16. Sam, Speak to Tony. he will update you on the why's and where for's. (But not the whayheys and whooheys! [:$] ) Its best not to put any more about it on here, as everything has been stated already. [:|]
  17. Tony, I touch goats
  18. This is a worthy statement of intent. I would like to ask all recent joiners to understand that we are not seeking to exclude them from the vote for any personal interest, but because the process has become flawed in its design, because a line was not drawn earlier. I would also like to ask them to be patient and await the outcome, which should generate a 'genuine' clear winner, based on all the colours suggested by members.
  19. No, its not fair. [] That is a point that cannot and should not be disputed. But, as I said above a line has to be drawn somewhere. At some point or other people will be either one side, or the other. I looked for a suitable time to make a judgement on, and to be quite honest, there was no way that everyone could win. We have, as a club been attempting to agree on a colour for over two months. To accommodate as may people as possible, I have set a date in line with the first official vote.I treated it as I would a decision at work, looking at all the risks (including reputational) and this particular course of action is the only one that has any credibility. This is a neccassary evil and not something that was thought up out of desparation. Personally, I have voted for my own colour suggestion first, and the Fox's one second. To me that was the right thing to do, so I feel justified in my impartiality over this matter.
  20. I should think we all do. You are also first Joined on 06 Jan 2005, a good 14 months before 9th May 2006. as such you have no eligibility issues??? If someone has told you otherwise, please let me know and I will gladly clarify it for them.
  21. I think we all agree it is a shame. I do not think anyone can say otherwise. Especially when you consider that people like ROAR and NUDGE have joined us in the middle of an exercise that has yet to be finalised. If I were them I would be gutted, but rightly or wrongly, their timimg is out. The issue does not seem to be restricted to long standing members only by any means, though. As said a line has to be drawn, before all rules get stretched. The best place to draw a line on any exercise is either the beginning or the end. Unfortunately not the middle. The whole object of the exercise was to find an outright winner, (hence the 3 vs 1 vote). I have to agree that recent voting has been inconsistent to the earlier votes. The exercise was supposed to be transparent so this sort of thing could not happen.
  22. Big thanks to Arron for managing to remove the remnants of my breather from the inlet manifold.
  23. Well, After much drama, the front mount is fitted and running **, Big thanks to Arron (the Grinder) Guru and J_K, (the fastest Jubilee clip man in the business), who helped to fit the intercooler and pipes on Saturday. Also to Granby for spending all day Monday listening to my bizarre solutions to cutting the bumper, and for trusting his fingers within 2 foot of me and a blade. [] Extra special thanks to Arron for finding a way to remove the broken off breather thread from my inlet. For over 24hours it looked as if I was going to have to remove the inlet manifold and drill it out before 'mr improvisation' came to the rescue. Very much obliged for that one. Also nice to see Loony Toon, Pele and Monty, who turned up to give some moral support. [] ** I said it is in and running, unfortunately having a car mapped to the limits means that it is running very lean at the moment and so I will actually be removing the top end of the pipes (again) and refitting the Top Mount temporarily until I can can get it remaped. Such is life! Pictures to follow: A very happy HOL []
  24. Unfortunately, you are correct. But there is a requirement to draw the line somewhere. [] I think you are one of the true victims here.
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