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Everything posted by McGoo

  1. Ed welcome, That was probably me that made the comment about the exhaust. Wow is your car stealth, was as quiet as a church mouse - apart from the full on SWRT decals obviously !!! Dunno about second hand zorsts but check out C&C Stainless exhausts at Hillington if you want proper noise. Err... is this a record, someone beating wrxmania/brian to recommending C&C ????? Cheers Davie
  2. I agree, A wee tootle along the road to somewhere afterwards is a good idea, rather than just a meet up at a location and then go home. It doesn't have to be a total "Canonball" ( ahem sorry Chris, old Skool rules !!! ) but if only for a few miles. Or ....... what if, a meet up at a central point ( City centre, showcase cinemas, Ikea etc ), then a short scoot to a Brewers Fayre/ Pub etc in convoy then the meet proper ? So even if you set the meet for say Hillington, everyone could meet up for instance on Bothwell Street/Waterloo Street in the City centre, and then its only 5 mins to the pub but everyone gets a quick blether beforehand. Only an idea Davie
  3. PlaySatan2 wrote ... "Scooby Noos" Like it !!! So for meeting info you could have "Scooby Do's In the Scooby Noos"
  4. OK here goes... "Just here for the banter or "Burble Babble" or if it is total irrelevance you want "Whatever happened to Peter Sloss ?" OK.... I'll get me jacket !!!
  5. Billy, Good to meet you and well done. Cheers Davie PS - It was me sneaking away from the car park in the Black Corsa for anyone wondering My other car IS an Impreza ...........honest !!!! Its just needing a scooby doctor ( or scooby cardiologist to be more precise ) at the moment.
  6. No worries, Better that I know what the problem is now so I can get it fixed. Cheers Davie
  7. << I touch goats Grant >> PM Back at you . @ RS Grant - cheers but I think it is what was suspected and confirmed by The Squirrel..........Big Ends !!!!
  8. Grant, Cheers for replying Does it sound faintly like a diesel! - Yes does it get louder when you rev the engine at the throttle body? - Yes Does the noise get louder the higher the car revs. - Yes What oil do you use and when was it last changed? - Oil was changed at last service about 3 months ago ( note - not dealership service ) . I have since topped up with Castrol Magnatex 15/40 It is still driveable but didn't want to continue daily use until I had an idea of anything if terminal may happen on the M8 on way to work. I'll try to bring along to meet on Tuesday ( assuming I get there from Inverclyde ) Many thanks. See you on Tuesday Cheers Davie
  9. I'm hoping someone could help with a quick cyber-diagnosis of my sick scooby ( MY95 Classic WRX ) I have suddenly started to get grumbling noises from the engine when accelerating. Idling and low steady revs are fine but when accelerator is pushed ) or when I get to about 3k rpm ) I am getting a loud clattery "GGRR GGRR GGRR GGRR GGRR GGRR" from the engine. Oil and water levels are fine. With the bonnet up, the noise seems to be coming from the top of the engine, under the bit that is next to where the accelerator cable meets the engine. I'm guessing this is where the fuel/air mix or injectors are. The bit in front of the intercooler which splits and runs 2 Left and 2 right. When I rev the engine direct from the accelerator lever, this causes the engine to vibrate when the noise starts. This would make sense because I get feedback ( vibration ) from the accelerator pedal when this happened when driving. 1. Does anyone have a clue what part of the engine I am describing ? 2. Does anyone have a clue where the problem may lie ? Apologies for the vagueness of the descriptions of the engine. Many thanks in advance Cheers Davie
  10. WRXGirly wrote .... << Hi guys, When is the meet? Would like to try and make it. >> Tuesday the 5th July at Brewsters in Stepps Hope this helps
  11. New Age WRX, Blue, STi 8 ( I think ) spoiler Thought I seen a ScoobySport sticker on the rear window, could be wrong. Don't know which direction you came from, just caught up with you coming into the park. I was in the silver classic that continued through the roundabout. Nice looking motor.
  12. I quite fancy going to this but not having been to this one before, whats the score with spectating with it being a closed road affair. The last rally I went to was the old Weldex in Argyle and that was a case of park the car at the side of the road and then scramble up into the forest. I take it that this won't be like that. Q. What time is the first car away at on the Saturday ? Q. Are you folks all meeting up in Duns then heading for a particular viewing spot on the stages ? Q. Do you stay at the same stage all day, or trail round a couple ? Any advice welcomed Cheers Davie 1. SCOOBAY 2. Spooks and Ickle 3. Squirrel + micra_wrc (will b meeting u there) 4. Gordyq 5. Neofox 6. Swiggi 7. DOPEY 8. g ball 9. McGoo
  13. I'll try to get along to this one, seeing as its the new RO's first as new RO. Might be nearer 8pm by the time I get up to Stepps tho'. 1. Billyboy 2. grasshopper 3. WRC No 1 4. WRXMANIA 5. Fai17 6. Marc29 7. Stringy 8. Swiggi & Mrs S6CUB 9. micra_wrc & Squirrel 10. keap clan 11. Bing 12. Playsatan2 13. Gumball 14. Rice Rocket 15. Karps (but very late) 16. SMA01 17. P1 SUB 18. Scott P1 19. Irish Al 20. SCOOBAY 21. McGoo Looking forward to seeing the Wine Rack on the Sarrazin.
  14. Ach I was hoping it would be the 29th. The last fixture of my Sunday fitba' league is the 22nd. Mibbe's I'll just need to get myself suspended towards the end of the season I'll take my name off the list for now, if there's a chance I can make it, I'll add again once I know. Cheers Davie 1. ANDYJDMSTI 2. Swiggi + S6CUB 3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc 4. sti-zlv 5. wrx mania 6. madmonk 7. Corsa 8. Grovit 9. Playsatan 10. 2559B 11. rallye 6 12. Weeb 13. Wilky 14. ScoobyAndy 15. gr555 16. CHRISP@53WRBLUE/STI 17. Pedro 18. sheep 19. Grant 20. Jambo ( without the kids) 21. Space vacated by SCOOBAY - sorry,can't make it!!!!!!!! 22. ImprezaPete 23. Cal 24. Higgy 25. Karps 26. WRC No 1 + SCOOBYMADBURD 27. Krakann 28. Johnny 29. DC turbo 30. kartman 31. Dad 32. jimmymc (22nd) 33 Paddy247 34 sKunk 35.Seevers 36. Gee WR1 37. Miss Scooby 38. Spooks 39. SCOTTIESCOOB 40. Lordharding 41. Don Mega 42. Space Vacated by McGoo 43. Si,s Scoob 44. scoobykev 45. Dorikin aka Nyle; in his nice shiny GT4 WRC 46.Keevster(Paul.) 47. Rice Rocket + Rice Rockette 48. Billyboy + The Wife
  15. Stickered Up WRC Blue STi - Largs bound this afternoon I think I recognised the reggie plate from the LLS run last year.
  16. Me ( looking like I am struggling to get out ma motor ) - picture lifted from prezzie's photies taken at the MMO. I think this was taken when Group 2 missed the Right Turn at the Polis and stopped before turning around. C'est Moi @ prezzie - I take it you were in the Black classic that followed me on Stage 1 at the back of Group 2. Did your driver get any video footage of me at all ? If so, would appreciate a sneaky wee look.
  17. I'll try to get along for this. How far into the Highlands would this be - poss. looking at making it a weekender for me and my co-driver. 1. ANDYJDMSTI 2. Swiggi 3. TheSquirel + micra_wrc 4. sti-zlv 5. wrx mania 6. madmonk 7. Corsa 8. Grovit 9. Playsatan 10. 2559B 11. rallye 6 12. Weeb 13. Wilky 14. ScoobyAndy 15. gr555 16. CHRISP@53WRBLUE/STI 17. Pedro 18. keap scooby and mrs keap scooby .... and little keap scooby 19. sheep 20. Grant 21. Jambo ( without the kids) 22. SCOOBAY 23. ImprezaPete 24. Cal 25. Higgy 26. Karps 27. WRC No 1 + SCOOBIEMADBURD 28. Krakann 29. Johnny 30. DC turbo 31. kartman 32. Dad 33. jimmymc (22nd) 34 Paddy247 35 sKunk 36.Seevers 37. Gee WR1 38. Miss Scooby 39. Spooks 40. SCOTTIESCOOB 41. Lordharding 42. Don Mega 43. McGoo
  18. << Another are that is under represented is Inverclyde, must get down there more often and dish some out. Grant >> Grant, There's not too many about down my way in Inverclyde. I've seen one or two which could be recognised as "enthusiast's cars" i.e by having say '555' in the reggie plate but not too many wave back when passing. Cheers Davie
  19. Here are some of the photies I got on the day, all taken at Clatteringshaws Hope the clicky things work Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9 Image 10 Image 11 Image 12 Cheers Davie
  20. Just back also. Great day, great route. Many thanks to Grant and Imy for arranging. Apart from the good range of Scoobies on show, some bemused villagers, some waving villagers and a comic of a cyclist leading the second group... could be heard as he passed .... "...scooby, another scooby, another sccoby, another scooby, another sccoby, .. volkswagon ?" I'll get my pics up as soon as I've obfuscated the reggie plates with Paint Shop Pro. Davie
  21. @ Grasshopper, Nice to meet you. Might take you up on the offer to nip down the coast to one of the Ayrshire meets. @ Malky, Nice one on the lanyards and badges. Cheers. @ Colin, Nice you meet you too. Mibbe's see you up at Knockhill some time. @ Squirrel555, will see you for the MM1. Looking forward to it. @ JasonO, some motor. some engine bay !! Makes mine look like a scabby dug. @ Bassa people who are repairing the Erskine Bridge. West bound Slip road closed !! F##K's sake, had to go all the way down towards D'barton, round the roundabout at Bowling then back up again. waste of Optimax :0( Cheers Davie
  22. Malky, I've just sent the dough via PayPal and sent you an eMail with a JPG. Any Q's or problems, please PM or eMail me. Cheers Davie
  23. 1.keap scooby 2.karps 3.WRXMANIA 4.The Squirrel 555 5.seevers 6.Swiggi 7.CORSA. 8.SCOOBAY 9.Billy Boy 10.Wilky ( But no heavy right foot action unless Ive been remapped!!) 11. Rice Rocket 12.DOPEY ( might bring my car, if dad lets me ) 13. Spooks ( mibees if work allows me to get away sharp) 14. gr555 15. Playsatan2 16. McGoo Are we gathering inside the pub or out in the car park ?
  24. Should hopefully be able to get along to this one. Cheers Davie
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