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Everything posted by McGoo

  1. << need to get the two day event scheduled !!!! awesome idea also, in July / august i fancy going a short trip to france and spain for about 5 days, est cost total maybe £900 have the locations to stay at, just need sat nav or a map and were away >> Just done Glasgow to Valencia and back between Boxing Day and 2nd January - 1634 Miles & 26 hours door to door each way including going through a snow storm in eastern France. Though not in a Scooby, a nice comfy Audi A4 Avant, 3 drivers sharing 4 hours / 300 miles rotation. As few stops as possible. Hard going. The worst bit is actually going to the south coast, though the new M6 Toll road is a guid yin !! Channel Tunnel was easy, would like to hear the sound of one of those trains loading up fully packed with burbling and popping Flat 4s !! Sat Nav not required. A decent map is usefull but all you need to know is the direction / town in which you are headed. Motorways are well signposted in France ( I know I know ..... you'd not be using motorways ). There are European Route Numbers marked on the motorways. Example, the E-15 runs from Calais right down through France into Spain and all the way down the East coast to southern spain. Easy as. Just get off the train at Calais and follow the roads marked E-15. Several hours later, and a few Euro's lighter in the wallet, ba-ding, you are in Sunny Spain !! Cheers Davie
  2. Hopefully I'll get along to this tomorrow night. Not been to a meet for ages. I think Pedals might be heading along too, not 100% sure though. I'm sure he is still in hiding after someone nicked his moby and texted his entire Address book with "iffy" messages !!! 1. Billyboy 2. Vickie 3. ed209 4. WRCno1 5. Ally B 6. Gumball 7. FAI17 8.Seevers 9. st3ph3n 10. meko 11. scoobyuk300 12. McGoo
  3. 2 cracking ties there, for this stage in the competition Chelsea v Barcelona and Bayern Munich v AC Milan First leg of the Chelski game is at the bridge, it'll be some game at the Camp Nou for the second leg if things are tight. The Munich / Milan game won't have the all out attack that the Chelseas / Barca game will have but will be good none the less with the prospect of one of them being dumped out.
  4. Ach OK here goes ....... It's February 1989 and I am the proud owner of a MkII Escort 1600 Sport in RS Signal Yellow. The day of the "Big Storms" and I can see the big waves out in the Clyde from my house. So I decide to go for a wee spin down the beach en route to the shops for the Sunday Papers. I am driving along the beach road and go through a puddle and the car cuts out. No amount of trying gets the Escy back ticking over succeeds then all of a sudden a monster wave comes right up and over the wall and slams into the car. Followed by another, and another. Now the wall does not have a run off and the puddle is starting to get deeper and deeper. I make the call to get out and run home for help. My old boy is none too pleased as his car was off the road. After a few phone calls eventually we get the help of one of my neighbours who had a VW diesel van. By the time we get back to the car, the waterline of the puddle is such that when I get into the car and sit in the drivers seat, the water is around my waist. Trying to find the tow loop under freezing cold water, being pounded by rain and big waves, under a Mexico front spoiler was not working so I eventually just had to wrap the tow rope round the front of the car. Eventually we got it moved to drier ground then towed home. Unknown to me at the time, a few mates were out and about videoing stuff and decided rather to wade in and help, they'd continue filming my plight. Kevin Costner I believe was inspired after that to make waterworld !! Oh how the jibes of "racing the Waverley" , "the amphibious banana" and "yellow submarine" still get cast up when the opportunity arrives ...
  5. << Tayside officers worked alongside the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency in Operation Full Bore between November 18-21. >> Kinda gives the game away of what this was all about.
  6. McGoo


    << a new age scoob with full rally decals at the kilbowie roundabout on the turnoff outside clydebank fire station around18.20 tonight . car look minted >> I've seen this a few times too, coming down Kilbowie Road as I went in the opposite direction. Nice looking mota.
  7. Pedals, What were you doing outside a Kebab shop dude ? Was it a post-run treat after 3 laps of the Coves Reserviors ? Congrats by the way - seen yer fizzer in the local rag. When are you gonny be on SuperStars Got the new zorst yet ??? Catch yi soon D
  8. @Craig - Sorry, I should have said. Local is GLA not ABZ. Thanks anyway. @Wilky / Grant - Cheers chaps. Looks like I should be looking at a new 'un then. Fortunately its not urgent at the moment. Just deciding if it is worth doing to recoup some of the cash I paid out on the new unit I have by fixing the old one and selling it. Note - it wouldn't be me doing any work as I know next to sod all on anything more than "Technic Lego" and Ford Crossflows which are not too dissimilar Thanks again Davie
  9. A few months ago I swapped out the engine on my MY95 WRX as the Big ends had started to go. I now have an EJ20 block sitting here and I am wondering if it is worth repairing. Does anyone know, local or otherwise, anywhere that could regrind the Crankshaft or supply a replacement and if so what kinda cash I'd be expected to pay for this. Many thanks in advance Davie
  10. << Finished 4th in race. Could have been second but took a risky gamble on bike choice that didnt pay off >> Pedals, Risky gamble ? - You never picked the trike with the streamers coming out of the handles did you ?? I told you to take the Grifter with the stabilisers !!! I take it there was much lager quaffed last night after weeks of training. See you Saturday dude. Cheers Davie
  11. Aye, I passed him yesterday getting in some last minute training. All the best mate. At least after you get to the top of the Lyle hill you can freewheel all the way back down again Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  12. << Just to add to this ................ 2 men sitting at the little bridge/fly-over on the M8 just before Harthill services. ( if your travelling East. ) dunno if they were cops but had high-vis jackets on & looked a bit shady ???? They are sitting right in ther corner of the fly-over !!! >> I've seen these chaps on a few bridges over the M8, from Bishopton through to the Kingston Br. Looks like some sort of raod survey but no idea for sure but as noted above, they were right at the corner and not in the middle of the bridge. Aye well shady.
  13. Tesco in Greenock had the cones across the forecourt and queues when I passed ( early ) this morning and the Esso at Port Glasgow was unusually busy for that time in the morning. Shell at Yoker was OK but 103.9 for Optimax ( ouch )
  14. White Wagon spotted blasting away from the Bridge Tolls at Erskine this morning
  15. Should get the brief back from the spanner monkey's tomorrow so I should be there. 1. Billyboy and Ally 2. WRC No 1 + madburd 3. Fai17 4. Stringy 5. Marc29 6. Des 7. micra_wrc & Squirrel 8. Gumball 9.Billy 10. Colin 11. Rice Rocket 12. Ed-209 13. SCOOBAY 14. keap clan 15.CORSA 16. SMA01 17. Ally-b 18. mitchell (newbie, and hoping to make it) 19. McGoo
  16. Are you going South to North to South or vice versa ? If S - N - S where are you parking ? The good people at Norseman House in at Ferrymuir may be able to offer parking - I know that there are a few "scooby friendly" peeps left in at NHS24 post my departure. If the end charity is "health service" related then they may look on the application fpr parking favourably ( depending on times etc ) I'll see if I can make it along, if not best of luck. Otherwise Tesco may be able to help as they have a considerably bigger car park. Spooks - PM me if you want a contact name for asking about parking at Norseman House. Cheers Davie
  17. << Ed, i've tried the following on mine, in this order. Magnex oval - Nice sound, not intrusive at all, especially when cruising. Scorpion - Compared to the Magnex, it was silent. Didn't like it. TSL Firestorm - Bit louder than the Magnex, slightly more aggresive noise, especially at higher revs. HKS Hyper - Loved this one, fair bit louder than the Firestorm i found, but i wanted more noise. Blitz Nur Spec R - Fantastic noise, nice'n loud, but started to do more long distances, and decided to change. Hayward & Scott - Noise levels probably the same as the Magnex, although the Anti-lag kinda killed it a bit. The blitz and H&S were only ever on the car with HKS headers, so not sure what the rumble was like i'm afraid. Sorry to go on, hope this helps. >> FFS !!! you getting club card points on your exhaust expenditure ( or making full use of SIDC discounts ????? ) I've no idea what sounds like what. I reckon at the next Hillington meet I'm gonna have to try to hear what zorsts are what so that I can compare it to my own. The one problem with not letting anyone else drive your car, is that you cannae hear the burble as it passes you. Everyone elses exhaust sounds the biz but I just can't compare to my own other than at idle ( or with the windaes doon which isn't the same ) @ Ed - attza attitude. New zorst ...... Loud and Proud. Cheers Davie PS - What is "NUR" spec ?
  18. Cheers Chris, Heading through Falkirk way next week so will call and drop in for some good stuff. Davie
  19. Reading a bit about this grade of oil recently and have been recommended to use this when my new engine is fitted. Any ideas where I can source this in the West ? Cheers Davie
  20. Nice one, You got that 'zorst sorted yet ... or are you still on audio stealth mode !!!!! Cheers Davie
  21. Grant, Once again thanks. Relief to hear this. Hopefully be back on the road v.v. soon Cheers Davie
  22. Grant Cheers. Engine arrived yesterday but appears to have come from a Legacy or something else. It has a TD04 Turbo and what looks like a FlyWheel from an Automatic. Apart from the changes to the FlyWheel and Turbo, is the basic block capable of the same output as was standard in my 95 WRX or are there any differences on the inside that determine a lower BHP ? Thanks in advance Davie
  23. Grant cheers again, Q. How do I limit the boost ? Also, where is the ECU ? Is it beside the drivers footwell on the right hand side ? Thanks in advance Davie
  24. Well that'll be the Captain Chaos outfit put away for another year too !!! Just found a site www.imdb.com and it gives the credit information for the film, get this.... Jackie Chan is listed as playing himself and is described as ... Cast overview, first billed only: Burt Reynolds .... J.J. McClure Roger Moore .... Seymour Goldfarb, Jr. Farrah Fawcett .... Pamela Glover Dom DeLuise .... Victor Prinzim/Captain Chaos Dean Martin .... Jamie Blake Sammy Davis Jr. .... Morris Fenderbaum Jack Elam .... Doctor Nikolas Van Helsing Adrienne Barbeau .... Marcie Thatcher Terry Bradshaw .... Terry Jackie Chan .... Jackie Chan, Subaru Driver Bert Convy .... Bradford Compton ************************************* So, Billy, Any thoughts on a Pre or Post meet tootle - or shall we leave it to the forums to set up mini-meets and convoys before the meets ? Cheers Davie
  25. OK Guys and gals, My new engine should hopefully arrive tomorrow ( cheers to the Squirrel for putting me on to JapCars ). I am assuming that the EJ20T engine which is arriving will have the same basic capabilities as my current unit. However, I read that the power outputs of different MY cars can be different. Obviously with the Wagon/Saloon differing is due to the TD04/TD05 difference but should the block basically have the potential to generate the same power and it is left to the ECU to control Fuel etc ? Did all the 1995 cars WRX/STi have the same base unit ? Basically what I am asking is, if I shunt in a new ( replacement ) power unit, what should I have to do to get the same ( or more ) power as my current unit was able to give ( obv. before it gave up the ghost ). I bow to the collective superior knowledge of the group. If anyone can help, much appreciated. Cheers Davie PS - I should add that I am not carrying out the work myself, I just want to be sure that there are no gremlins to fall foul of when I get the car back. Oh and have the same, or more power.
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