Boabster hi !!
Here's some advice from a "Newbie".
I have had my '95 Import WRX for about 18 months now and loving every bit of it
BUT... like all cars of a certain age, bits get worn and need replaced. Identifying when they need to be replaced is the key. ( IMHO )
So far, I have replaced ( not modded )
a. Fuel Pump ( standard )
b. Radiator
c. Power Steering Reservoir 'O' ring
Important thing to note here is if you hear or suspect anything is not spot on with the buggy, do a search on the Technical forums, both here and "over the road" ( for a newbie that means )
Point 2. Get the car serviced regularly. Oil Filter and replacement oil at least every six months, maybe more frequent depending on the number of miles you shift a year. This is important because the engine oil will kinda degenerate ( not sure of the technical name for evaporation but thats the sketch ). Whatever you do, do not run dry. Big Ends and all that. Muchos Nuggets for a new engine.
Point 3. My advice is to get a mechanic who knows the cars. Not a back street grease monkey who's first question is "So... how fast does it go ?" but one that can point out that the slight ticking noise you hear when you lift the bunnet may be the injectors and not the need for a rebuild from the bearings up.
Point 4. Agree with Spooks. Don't try to get to Warp 9 straight out the blocks from cold. No matter what Magnatec you got, your Turbo needs to get to running temperature at a steady rate.
Point 5. I don't have an Optimax shop local to me but when I can I fill up. I don't get all Solberg when running BP 97. I don't have any technical wizzardry to tell me whats going on up front. I may consider depending on what my man in point 3 above says.
I've been told that Imports "Run Lean" at high speeds coz the Fuel Pump ain't up to the job of sooking all that lovely Optimax out from the back to the front. I was recommended that when de-restricting the car ( a mechanical job on a '95 and probably also on a '93 ), to also uprate the F.P. too.
I have modded my Zorst, to a big bore 3" centre section with a 5" back box. Or the 7am alarm call as my neighbours call it.
I'll happily stand corrected on the technical issues as I am a genuine Newbie, even after 18 months of ownership.
By all means don't take this as all doom and gloom of ownership of your Scooby coz most of the points above run similar to the previous two MR2's and Fords I've had in the past ( well apart from the fuel consumption ). First and foremost enjoy yer car but [ to quote Swiss Tony, "you know running a Scoob is alot like making love to a beautifull woman, high blood pressure at first, empty wallet, always hot, always looking to go that little bit further but all the same.......................................yeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaa " ( OK so I ad-lib'd a little ) ]
Hope this helps a little coz it is a little bit daunting with all that kick at your right foot.
And oh.... if you go to meet Grant, you'll defo hear his beast first. Side Exit pipes !!! tsk tsk,
Mmmmm talking of old Fords...right then I wonder how much a MKI RS2000 "TAX EXEMPT" (Olympic Blue of course ) fun buggy will cost .............................................. OK OK I'll admit it ... I was a committed RWD Ford man before I discovered AWD Nippon. :0)