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Everything posted by aircrest

  1. Thats not even a year ago ...........the lads involved then were from KWC ........black MX5
  2. Hi ya ........."My bit"........The "Men" involved were Boys as we now know, they were also in a "curtousy Car" that was collected that day.........need we go any further ......I would also say that they were travelling at an extreme speed and not just an "excessive" one........ Enough on that one as its a very sad thing whatever the whys and wherefores etc !! I think whoever it was earlier has hit the nail on the head it is standards that are adrift here ...........not speed ! There should be Driving standards observers out and about educating these idiots that have no respect for anybody else but thereselves and even that is sometimes debatable....... Eg ..........A well known late Ferarri from the south ...........came up behind me on the TT course approaching Kirk Michael I had caught up with 3 cars in front of me way before he appeared from behind, I had already deemed the possible manhover "risky" and was trailing the cars. The "red idiot" proceeded to overtake me and the one in front of me and then "Push" his way in between 2 cars, and all this was without being able to see around the corner........ These are the sort of people that are creating these issues and spoiling it all for the majority of us that do respect others and their rights to use the roads as they wish to......IMHO of course Get some video unmarked plain ordinary cars out there and start educating these people not nicking them. nick em and cause resentment, warn them and get them to respect us others once again IMHO (for what thats worth) Obviously The Red devil (above) was and example and I could mention others a lot closer to home (as it were) as I'm sure we all could, but I believe the fact of the matter is simple, respect the roads and the other roadusers and these issues probably wouldn't be being disscussed now....... Respect is the issue not speed ............ Cheers all
  3. If it helps I have always found Andrew at Laxey to be the best on the screens in the Island, Manx Autoglazing 862464 or 490774 always helpfull and has all the clips etc on board for impreza's, First class job ..........
  4. Do I wanna comment .................Nah, can't be arsed !!!!! Be careful out there !!!
  5. IMHO the more ground we can cover now B4 the event the better, ..........A "national" speed limit would kill the island, stop it in its tracks............it is a major player in the tourisim stakes ...... Behind you all the way Nick......... Cheers
  6. I never said I wouldn't take a "sensible" offer ???
  7. Hi ya from the "deep South" (PE in other words)......... Bout time we got our stickers done IG (R/O) so we are able to spot at a distance eh ???
  8. Now come on Nick ............you left out the "sticky back plastic" as a very feeble attempt to kid us all into thinking you younger than you really are ............
  9. Now come on Nick everybody knows that Albert road is where the court is ..................... I didn't know that untill I walked by there today....!!
  10. This sounds like a job for IG, der der der da der da da !!
  11. I dont have the slightest idea what i'm going on about or you lot for that matter dudes............Is thatr sweet enough ????
  12. I have just read with erm erm "interest" this thread ...........maybe I'm old or would somebody like to explain etc....I've a feeling that I've missed something possibly ????
  13. Hi lads ......yes the guys name is andrew and he is serious, wants it as track day car etc, I degassed the a/c for him as he no longer wants the system .....wants the bhp instead.......he wasn't interested in the small amounts we were talking.........so I think its one to watch ......... Custom ..........You know when you just know it's all gonna end in tears.........
  14. We are up for it .........any time and live local to PSM .........you have E address let us know andy.......
  15. We wont tell any one Eh Dooahhdoo ??
  16. This looks good then .........and topicly very apt given the next weeks events ......
  17. I have it on very good authority that SLK's will definatley be banned........
  18. Just in case Richard has not got booster sorted, Dean at Bottom Line in Santon has plenty stock of all redline oil products inc booster...........also has stock of Greenstuff pads and discs etc......and alround nice guy that can be trusted on island....(in my exp of course) If number needed give me a mail etc ........
  19. Put my Name Down then, I'm I.O.M resident as well. will also wave back Grey STi 5 Type R RMN 571 Brown Bobby fill up person !! Can we not have an emoction with 3 legs on it then????????
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