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Posts posted by oobster

  1. Always used Stevie Walker in Bathate (been going to him for 19 years!) - his work is top class. 01506 633471. Does a lot of work for Audi, he always has nice cars in there - VX220, Elise etc.

    I know Gus The Bus has used him in the past too and there is a white classic in there at the moment getting some major mods done to it (it belongs to another SIDC member).

    If you tell him Andy with the red WRX recommended him I might get a fiver off next time i'm in! :)

  2. I just dont see the attraction. There are hunners, nay thousands of women nicer looking than VBH.

    Apart from that, VBH is just a wee bit annoying. Some people think that wee laugh she does is cute, I dont.

  3. Tom Ford, the "chunky" beardy one, writes for Top Gear magazine regularly.

    I never watch 5th gear "live". Always Sky+ it and you can flash through all the dross. Which is about 50-60% of the programme.

  4. whats the fascination with subarus and mud flaps anyway? personally i think they look bloody horrible and unless you live in the sticks pretty much pointless, all IMO of course :D

    Coz you could spit peas through Subaru paint!

    Aye, Scott Lowe flaps are good - about £158 I think though for a full set. I had a set on my old scoob and after 3 years they were like brand-new (you could use a brillo pad to get the muck off them without damaging the rubber/plastic/pvc or whatever they were made from).

  5. Think of a forum as a kalaidescope of opinions. I have one, you have one and everyone else that signs in to comment has one. You cannot expect there to be no criticism, and the few members including me, who have posted on this thread have had an opinion on the matter just like you have. I will however not become offended by your comment, all I will say is that I will NOT take kindly to having my "hand slapped" for making my own opinion or stance on this thread by yourself.

    Make your defence against our opinions, if not able to express them dont post at all.

    Absolutely. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But comments like "is this guy a plum", "all he ever does is smash" and "Money can't buy you driving skills" would appear to have been formed from the youtube clips alone.

    My defence against the OP's opinions are: "all he ever does is smash" - so the OP has seen Simon's entire driving experience since he first got into a car? No, of course not, so you can't possibly claim that all he does is smash. I don't know Simon, I have never met him or talked to him but I would be fairly comfortable saying that there have probably been many occasions on and off the track where Simon hasn't had an accident.

    Furthermore - "Money can't buy you driving skills". So what does then? EXPERIENCE. No-one could be believed if they said they were a racing driver and never had a lairy moment. Why single out Mr Norris in particular?

    Also - "just take yer time eh" - aye, because the first thought of any racer is to take his/her time.

    Accidents happen, I dare say Simon will either learn from his mistakes or pack in the racing when money becomes an issue. I just don't see the point of the criticism when he is the one out there spending his own money and taking the chances.

    I once read a comment attributed to Donald Trump when someone made a remark about the colour of Bentley he'd bought. "Oh, so what colour is your Bentley then?".

  6. When I sold my Subaru 4 months ago after owning it for over 3 years I thought i'd stick around the Scottish SIDC as the banter can be amusing sometimes and I also made a few friends during my time here.

    Threads like this iritate me and i'd welcome any comment to see if I am alone in this.

    If you browse other car forums you will see that although Mr Norris has had 2 or 3 rather large accidents in the past couple of years he has (as I understand it) offered to recompense the owners of any other cars he has hit. At least he's out there, racing and learning rather that sitting on a car forum boasting about how good he is. He is the one that pays to build/maintain/repair/replace his race cars and just because he is successful with his tuning business it's ok to knock him?

    What about all the F1/WRC drivers that crash? I don't see anyone on here posting threads about how Raikonnen/Lewis/Solberg/Atkinson/Massa/Kubica et al have stuffed their car (sometimes taking others out)? You don't see the likes of Coulthard going back to the pits after a shunt and offering to pay for the other competitors car do you? And what about all the accidents in lower formulae? BTCC drivers make mistakes, they dont dip into their own pockets to repair the cars they have damaged.

    Give the guy a break, and do some research (please!) before jumping all over him.

    All IMHO of course.

  7. ok why is it when i type in i have sent a private message it comes up as i touch goats????? what t**t came up with that fukd up phrase

    Thats a bit harsh.

    The PM notification on the old SIDC forum software wasn't very good and some people would start a brand-new thread solely to tell another member they had a PM - which could be a little annoying sometimes.

    The touching of goats started as a bit of banter between an old member (Gumball I think??) and the script to change the PM notification sentence to I Touch Goats was meant (I believe) to discourage people on the new forum software (which is VERY good at notifying the users) from posting to the recepient there was a PM waiting.

  8. The other Andy might be able to help, but perhaps check this first:

    Go to My Controls up near the top of the page, then go to Manage Your Attachments on the Options menu in the left-hand column.

    You'll see all your attachments - you might be up to your limit (there's a bar along the top with 0% 50% 100% and also a MB used or MB allowed)

  9. Looks braw - since it's painted i'd have maybe left it off until after the gritters have been put away in the spring, as it'll end up getting chipped to feck.

    Also - a set of black 18's with a polished lip would look fandabidozi on that car.

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