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Posts posted by oobster

  1. Best car: My 2003 Red Subaru Impreza WRX. Miss it :D

    Worst car: Vermillion Orange W-reg 1.0 Metro (CSC 778W). Rear subframe rusted through, blootered it into 3 fence posts (backwards) too, wrecked the MG Turbo alloys that I had on it at the time. Although it was fun jamming it into 1st gear at 40mph and hearing the engine & box scream. I think I owned this car back in 1989/1990.

  2. Don't know why i came back to this thread but will be having bad dreams tonight :banana::banana::banana::beer:


    Since you obviously don't approve of the product perhaps you would offer the OP the benefit of your experience (have you even used it?) or are you just content with posting unhelpful nonsense with emoticons on the end?

  3. As pmacFTO says give Stevie Walker a try - he's in Bathgate - 01506 633471.

    The cabin filling up with smoke and the engine making "a helluva racket" does sound slightly worrying though - you sure the pulleys/belts weren't damaged in the impact (or the radiator) and thus the engine is damaged?

  4. I know you said Glasgow but it might be worth giving Stevie Walker a shout - he was the one who painted braveheart's white classic (and fitted the bodykit, and painted the entire interior too) - 01506 633471. Bathgate, West Lothian.

  5. Look, AGW is NOT caused by humans, bottom line, therefore, the reason for this thread. However, no one is going to argue with you when you say that we should be less destructive (rainforests etc.) and no one is will argue that we should be less wasteful. However, joining up the two with AGW is where you will meet disagreement.

    Green Taxing is nothing more than a means of ripping us off and that is why people are getting a bit irrate to say the least.

    Of course it is, any sensible person of reasonable inteligence knows it's a rip-off but so what?

    What are you, me, we going to do about it? Probably f-all. Apathy is widespread when it comes to what the government do and don't do for us. Vote Tory, because they will be no better than the current mob. Vote SNP or any of the others and they will be the same - full of promises to get your vote, then only interested in lining their own pockets and going on all-expenses-paid junkets to foreign shores any chance they get. Or lining themselves up for directors of companies once they retire or are voted out.

    What other options have you got other than just accepting it? Don't vote? While the turnout for local and national elections are in decline due to the apathy thing there are too many people who have this ingrained "it's my right to vote so I am going to excercise my right" mentality that your abstinence makes no difference. Emigrate? Then you'll just need to put up with another bunch of incompetent power-hungry eejits in another country.

    Or we could all get together and start a petition, march on downing street holding placards, or write letters to all our MP's. Yea, because they'll listen to a dozen or so Subaru enthusiasts.

    But wait! What if we get 100 of us together from various forums? They still won't listen. Let's get a thousand then! Yea, they still won't listen. Ten thousand then! Good luck with that - people (in general) just don't care enough. They have their own daily lives to get on with and I can't see a significant amount of people getting up off their a***s and doing something about it.

    Yes I know it's ****, and will continue to be ****, but what else is there do other than accept the situation and just get on with your life regardless?

  6. OObster, you know i don't drive a subaru anymore so why the comment? Where is yours? thats right you dont have one either.

    I was vaguely aware that you no longer own a Subaru, but - like me - you still come on here. That's where the difference ends - I would never dream of coming on here and slating someone's car. If I didn't like what someone had done to their car I think I would use the skills my parents taught me growing up to keep my mouth shut (or in this case not posted).

    I have met Chris on (I think) 3 occasions and he is most definitely not a chav. Far from it. Ok he's made some choices with his car that I wouldn't have made but thats what's good about the world - expressing our individuality. "People laugh at me because I'm different - I laugh at people because they are all the same". I've also seen the car several times (at the bodyshop) and although I haven't had a run out in it I was very impressed with the quality of the workmanship that has gone into it.

    Just seems to me lately Iain that you are trying to be deliberately controversial.

  7. Sorry is everyone seeing the same car as me here?

    You said all comments welcome so don't get upset. I think it looks like a chav mobile! Granted it has a lot of work done to the performance and inside but come on how can people say it looks good. If that was painted orange and on ebay people would be ripping it to shreds on here. Afterburner lights and a big bodykit! If it wasn't for an SIDC favourite showing these pics, im sorry it would be flamed.

    You all know im right so don't bother arguing.

    Well done Braveheart for building this machine and all the best for the future with it.

    Ok, let's see pictures of your heavily modified Subaru then.

  8. Thanks for the kind words folks :thumbup:

    It looks like we may have a new Glasgow/Strathclyde Regional Organiser - I'm just waiting for a wee PM back from them accepting the role before I make any 'official' announcement.

    Thanks again for your support,


    As long as it's not Dougster!

    Awra best Ally ;)

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