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Posts posted by oobster

  1. Nice car - I just found the guy who bought my red WRX posting on that site (Gunn) - the white wheels he's probably talking about on your Photoshop thread is the ones I had on the car & they were in mint condition when I sold the car to him.

    If you see him, tell him I said hullo!

  2. I was driving between East Whitburn & Bathgate today when I noticed a VERY similar car heading in the opposite direction. I managed to get turned round at the next roundabout & catch up with it in Whitburn. I phoned Duncan @ Hypertech & gave him the reg. number (W-reggie) and a description of the OAP driver.

    Duncan seemed very confident this was the car so hopefully he'll pass the details onto the rozzers and they'll catch up with the miscreants.

  3. Sorry to see that but at least as you say you'll get the damage fixed when it's in getting the other stuff done. I know thats not the point but from bitter experience it's not worth getting wound up about - the vast majority of folks out there nowadays just don't care about other people's property, and that situation is unlikely to change anytime soon.

  4. Very nice car - think you need to straighten up the rear offside mudflap a bit though!

    Also not a fan of graphics - Magma in Bathgate are good at window tinting but I believe the guy now does it out of his house rather than the unit he used to have. I think he still has the same number though - 01506 632766.

    Other than that I think Gus knows a guy over Falkirk way who does a decent job of tinting windows.

  5. well nae bother as mines aw ready has its rear end done in and regularly goes off road for a good thrashing coz its replaceable

    speed bump in yer retail pk in fawkirk dnt exsist dont slow me why coz wither a drive fast slow carefull or harsh things go wrong or folk prang it but yes my prob would be the sod he got to look after it but well **** happens just lite a spliff sit back and grin n bear it coz its no nice to **** it n wear it

    after all mines only cost less than 200 quid like a said its a car

    think on that last word

    That...... thats just a noise

    Sorry to hear about your car burgy 51.

  6. How's your car coming on Kenny? I seen it when I was down there the other day, but it was parked nose in to the wall so I couldnt see how it was progressing. I did see a bugeye front bumper all painted up and looking shiny though! My car goes in on Tuesday for a very small repair.

  7. Wouldn't bother me, as long as it had been done properly. I spent £1500 in one go at Stevie Walkers a couple of years back getting loads done to my red blobeye, just to tidy it up. I got the boot de-locked, a VERY small repair on the offside rear wheelarch, bonnet + both wings + front bumper/grille/splitter/fog covers painted, and also got the entire roof done (had been repaired before I got the car, badly).

    When I got the car back it was pretty much perfect, you couldnt tell it had been painted (i.e. no different shades, no overspray etc) and thats why I managed to get top money for it when I sold it.

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