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Everything posted by oobster

  1. mine aint got any engine mods Too feart incase i get nabbed by the plod for speeding.
  2. you ordered it already chris? If so, when is it arriving?
  3. << I think the Spec C only comes in Red, Blue or White Might be wrong though Grant >> Litchfields are showing an Obsidian Black Mica JDM WRX STi Spec C Grant. Clicky Edited: But if i had the cash it would be a white Spec C Type RA Limited, for just a fiver under £30K. One day, maybe.
  4. Looks like camber to me - and that passenger tyre definitely looks illegal to me. I think there is a company called ProGrip upon in Bonnybridge that can check your suspension settings. I seem to remember it's £65 - do a search on the scottish forum and i'm sure you will see the likes of st3ph3n and sma01 mention them.
  5. A man takes the day off work & decides to go out golfing. He is on the second hole when he notices a frog sitting next to the green. He thinks nothing of it and is about to shoot when he hears "Ribbit 9 iron". The man looks around and doesn't see anyone. Again he hears "Ribbit, 9 iron". He decides to prove the frog wrong, puts the club away, and grabs a 9 iron. Boom! He hits it 10 inches from the cup. He is shocked. He says to the frog, "Wow thats amazing. You must be a lucky frog, eh?". The frog replies, "Ribbit Lucky frog." The man decides to take the frog with him to the next hole. "What do you think frog?" the man asks. "Ribbit 3 wood" The man takes out a 3 wood and Boom! Hole in one. The man is befuddled and doesn't know what to say. By the end of the day the man golfed the best game of golf in his life and asks the frog, "OK where to next?". The frog replies "Ribbit Las Vegas". They get to Las Vegas and the man asks "Ok frog, now what?". The frog says "Ribbit Roulette." Uopn approaching the roulette table, the man asks "What do you think I should bet?" The frog replies "Ribbit £3000, black 6". Now this is a million-to-one shot to win but after the golf game the man figures what the heck. Boom! Tons of cash comes sliding back across the table. The man takes his winnings and buys the best room in the hotel. He sits the frog down and says, "Frog, I don't know how to repay you. You've won me all this money and i'm forever grateful". The frog replies "Ribbit Kiss me". The man figures why not, since after all the for for him, he deserves it. With a kiss the frog turns into a gorgeous 15-year-old girl........ And that, your honour, is how the girl ended up in my room, so help me god or my name is not Graham Rix.
  6. It's never finished Al, never. It's just waiting for the bank balance to recover Nice spec, nice noise off it last week too. P.S. - Apologies, but there isn't an 'e' in Handling (your website)
  7. i wish i even had a tenth of a clue about what you lot are on about. Mad as a box of frogs, i say.
  8. << Ive seen more brains on Sutcliffes hammer.... >> ooooo.......thats no nice. Funny, but no nice
  9. I wish i even knew what a header tank is Well done anyway brendan
  10. My mum had a wee silver mini, with blue velour interior. Me and my mate Dave came home from schhol @ lunchtime and "happened" to find the keys lying around in the house (how careless of my mum to leave them right at the back of the cupboard under a big pile of tins!). We thought it would be a good idea to go out & have a shot, so i jumped in the drivers seat first and rolled the window down a bit. Dave stuck his head thru the gap and was directing me on what to do. We got it started, and dave said to push the clutch in, put it into reverse, then let the clutch back out slowly. (His head was still thru the window at this point). Well, unfortunately i did not follow his instructions, as i somehow managed to drop the clutch violently which resulted in the car flying across the road and into a neighbours fence! Dave came pretty close to be decapitated that day too! We pushed the car back into the space it had occupied and made ourseleves scarce. My mum went off her head, but as luck would have it she was sitting at a junction on her way to work the next night when some daft git in a capri ploughed right into the back of her, so the damage I caused was fixed by the capri driver's insurance! Wahey! Oh how we laughed. BUT my experiences with mini's was not quite finished. I passed my test when i was 17 and my auld granny bought me an A-reg 1-litre chocolate brown mini, which i was left to insure (fully-comp) myself. I did this by paying it up every month out my bank account. I had the car for 3 months, and then aqua-plained through a big puddle coming out of Bathgate toward Armadale at about 2am on a Sunday morning. Car crossed the road, halved a speed-limit sign in two before forward-rolling into the ditch. Fortunately I was on my own, coz if i had someone in the front passengers seat they would have been about a foot smaller. Of course, it was a write-off, but once the insurance had paid me out I cancelled the direct-debit on my account. Thus, i had only paid about 4 months insurance but they'd paid me out the purchase price of the car so I thought i'd got out of that one well! West Lothian Council sent me an invoice for "street furniture" (£700 for a new speed-limit sign) which i forwarded off to my insurance company, who also paid this for me. I dont think i'll ever buy a mini again
  11. I have very little recollection of this myself, but I am assured that when i was about 6 i decided it would be a good idea to put the water-wings onto my ankles and jump into the local swimming baths. A good job my father was there, as this resulted in me being vertical in the deep-end, with only my feet above the water. My auld man grabbed me by the feet and pulled me right out the water, just in time as i was about to pass out. Also, when "moon-boots" were in fashion i decided to go for a run on my bike up to where they were flattening the local coal bing. My nice new moon-boots got filthy, so i jumped off the bike & spied a big puddle to wash them in. Unfortunately it was full of coal slurry and i was up to my armpits in it before a bloke with a landrover appeared and managed to pull me out. Very scarey. That slurry pit still keeps hold of those moon boots to this day.
  12. Did you use Nitromorse (spelling??) on them Fee? I remember i used that on a set of wheels i had on my old Citroen AX a few years back, and that was nasty stuff!!
  13. Hope i've managed to delete all reg. plates - if i've missed one let me know!
  14. An excellent day, thanks go to Rosie, Scott & Andy for organising. I was very impressed with the amount of presents we all managed to contribute and i really hope they make a difference to the wee kiddies lives during the festive period & beyond. Stevo - apologies again for scrunching up your '2005' sticker!!! Oops! Looking forward to participating in this again next year, in any way i can. Andy M P.S. nice pics gus - i'll post mine up the morra.
  15. << Andy, I'm trying to eat ma tea FFS!nearly choked on my beans oan toast. How feckin pash does that look! saw it again today >> Beans oan toast? Oan a friday night? You should be getting a chinese or indian fired doon yer gub
  16. I dont want to appear a car-snob now that i've managed to afford a scoob, coz i used to have one of these when it i was in my early 20's. There is a pic of mine on my site (see below). But this is just too much!!!
  17. I spotted this in Harthill a couple of weeks ago, and mentioned it to Gus, who'd also seen it. But i just found it on http://www.barryboys.co.uk - it is also on http://www.scotcruise.com/featurecars/alai.../alainacinq.htm
  18. Try Gary Moulson @ Keith Michaels. The details are @ the top of the general thread.
  19. Martin - iassume you mean you are 36 now, not 26 ?
  20. Is it 100% absolute definite certainty that you get points on your licence for this? i.e. not just hearsay or whatever
  21. << Was it long and hard and full of seamen? >> ^^^Groan Did you have to stephen? Did you really have to?
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