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Posts posted by oobster

  1. As above, hello to everyone from Dawn & me.

    We are currently sailing on the Ocean Village between Cannes & Barcelona. Weather has beensuperb, as has the food, entertainment etc on the ship.

    Missing my scoob though face-icon-small-sad.gif

    Off to the Nou Camp tomorrow, then Ibiza on Monday.

    See you all soon face-icon-small-happy.gif

  2. As some of you may be aware, the Mrs has got a wee dark blue Peugeot 206, it's only just over a year old and she has allowed me to "mod" it slightly, with tints, alloys etc (plus private plate to match mine).

    I posted up in here a few weeks ago about someone hitting the off-side back quarter when it was parked in Tesco's Bathgate (the culprit did not leave a note, so we are still in the dark as to who did it - plus £160 insurance excess lighter). The insurance recommended Premier Vauxhall in Sighthill as the repairer so it went in for 4 days recently to have the quarter-panel replaced. Unfortunately they didn't make a very good job of it and it went back in again (wasn't any better when it was handed back to us a 2nd time) so we were awaiting a chance (after the wedding) to take it in a 3rd time. (there is a run in the paint, as well as an area that looks like they have painted over the top of sand - they also broke the trim that runs half-way along the door).

    Well, last night on our way to a party in Glasgow, the nightmare continued.

    We were driving through Glasgow (i was driving) when a pedestrain running along a side street launched himself onto the near-side of the car. What a fright we got, there was a huge bang and i looked in the mirror to see him rolling about on the road. We stopped and ran back, he was concious but screaming in pain. A taxi driver who had stopped walked over to him to tell him to get up as he thought he was play-acting (the taxi driver thought he hadn't actually touched our car). The pedestrain then jumped up and started a fight with the taxi driver (i backed right out the way, as the bloke might have pulled a knife, syringe, anything) but the fight was over in seconds, then the guy ran off, jumped the railings over the nearby motorway bridge and sat dangling his feet over the edge, as if he was contemplating jumping down onto the motorway below!!! The guy was obviously out of his face on drink/drugs/both. He stayed there for a few minutes (while we were calling the police) but by the time they'd arrived he'd jumped back over the railings and disappeared.

    I know the witnesses won't be reading this but we are very thankful they stopped and helped, and also stayed to exchange details with us & the police - i know it is too tempting nowadays to "see nothing" and drive away in these kind of incidents.

    To cut a long story short, we got a call from the police late last night to say they had caught the guy (i believe while he was carrying out another offence) and he'll be kept in the klink for a few days until he can appear at court.

    Both Dawn and I were really shook up, especially since everyone (me, dawn & the witnesses agree) that the guy deliberately jumped into the car - it wasn't a case of just wandering out into the road as we passed. He actually took a run and launched himself up into the air off the kerb down on the car.

    There's now a sizeable dent in the near-side rear quarter where we assume his knee struck it, and there's also a dent in the roof where either his head or shoulder hit it. The roof-spolier is also scraped quite badly too.

    This is all we needed - we had only got married the day before and we go off on our honeymoon tomorrow (Tuesday).

    I was so angry last night that i wished the guy HAD jumped from the motorway bridge, but now i've calmed down i'm glad he didnt - if only for the fact that we'd be on honeymoon with his death hanging over us.

    So instead of finalising arrangements for the honeymoon etc today, we are going to be phoning insurance + body shops (to get quotes) with the hope that it can be reapired while we are away.

    I suppose, to lighten the mood for a moment, i'm glad it wasn't my subaru. Otherwise i'd have been the one pushing him over the motorway bridge!! The accident took place at the corner of Newton Street and Bath Street, almost directly under Tay House. I am also trying to take the attitude that we were lucky too, if he'd decided to jump onto the front of the car he could have been killed, or if he'd came through the windscreen we could have been seriously injured.

    I think once we come back from honeymoon and her car is repaired we might look at trading it in, that's two new quarter-panels it will have had by then, plus i don't know how they will go about fixing the dent in the roof.

    Arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! face-icon-small-mad.gif

  3. Less than 6 hours to go..... stomach is in a knot!!!

    Doesn't look like the weather is going to be great, but we won't let that spoil the day face-icon-small-happy.gif

    Thanks to all who left messages, and I can assure you the mods won't stop after today!! That's one of the reasons i'm marrying Dawn.... she let's me do what i want with the car, as long as it's fairly sensible. (i.e. permission to spend £1000+ to have the interior re-trimmed in leather was flatly refused!)

    Cherio the now, and if anyone knows a medieval dance or whatever to make the sun come out, now's the time face-icon-small-happy.gif

  4. in red face-icon-small-mad.gif

    Looked fairly standard, last 3 numbers were ATZ (i think).

    Was driving by Tesco's at about 9.15pm.

    That's 3 in this area now (mine & Ally's) and now this one!!!!

    And there was me buying a red one coz i thought they were like hens-teeth!!!!

    Ah well, if it's anyone from on here, nice car..... let's keep each other updated so when your out and about i'll stay in!!!

  5. ewwwww......mayonaise on chips??? that's boggin.

    Chips & Curry Sauce.... now that's a different matter face-icon-small-happy.gif

    Anway... face-icon-small-mad.gif must we talk about food? I'm "hank marvin" and i'll no be gettin anythin to eat until we get up to the Brewers Funfayre later on tonight

  6. had a set of Citroen AX GT wheels a while back, i got that Nitromorse stuff to burn all the old paint and laquer off, then used Autosol with a buff attached to my cordless drill - couple of hours on each wheel and they came up lovely.


    As Dave says... depends how much time you've got... but i reckon once you've got the autosol etc bought, you should have all 4 done in a day no probs.


  7. Dunno about the warranty question, but i've got a Ninja rear box on my car (03-plate WRX) and it certainly made a LOT of difference to the sound!!

    Haven't really noticed any difference to the power, but that wasn't my reason for buying it (not interested in making my scoob any faster). It looks superb too!!

    Only had the box on for 3-4 weeks - if your a paid-up SIDC member i think scoobyworld gives you 10% discount too.

  8. In 11 days I shall be getting married face-icon-small-happy.gif

    Looking forward to it, bit nervous, bit excited, bit worried that everything will/wont go as planned

    I'm sure it will be the best day of my life though face-icon-small-happy.gif (Well, 2nd best - the best was the day i got the keys to my scoob!!!)

  9. I normally use Initial City Link - they have only let me down once (mobile phone i sold on eBay went missing) but they refunded me the money i'd made from the sale in full.

    Online tracking facility too - give them a try next time you want something couriered

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