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Posts posted by oobster

  1. Well if that's the case i'd SUGGEST that the real owner of THAT car might not be too happy about you posting pics of it on here and claiming it to be yours!!

    At the very least i'd recommend getting the reg. plate obscured, and scoobyworld might even have some form of copyright on those pics.

    Just trying to be helpful face-icon-small-happy.gif

  2. As above, now that the outside of the car is about finished (if anything is ever "finished") i'd like to give the engine bay a good scrub.

    Never done this before, so any advice would be welcome - both for cleaning products and what to actually do - i.e. is there any bits i should steer well clear of, easily broken etc.

    Don't want to go totally mad on it, it's my works car as well as for pleasure so it aint gonna be immaculate 24/7.

    Spent on hour on it after work tonight, and it's made a wee bit of a difference, but still a lot of grimy areas - i need something to remove all the greasy stuff, especially round the bonnet hinges & catch

    All advice welcome face-icon-small-happy.gif

  3. A wee update....

    I mentioned the wind-noise increase on the passenger side in the edit above.... took it back into Halleys this morning and they couldn't fix it, so they decided to remove them completely & refund me.

    Happy with the outcome, although i'm a wee bit miffed as I was happy with the look of them. Couldn't live with the wind noise - the drivers side was fine, but the noise coming from the passenger side sounded like a leaf caught in the air vent, and it was LOUD

    I got them to remove just the passenger side one and then took the car for a drive and the noise has completely gone, so it was definitely the wind deflector that was causing it.

    Ah well, at least i've now got £115 to spend on something else!! Ideas anyone?

    Thanks to James @ Halleys service department for his help & advice today, very professional.

    I guess I was just unlucky on this occasion, the fitting looked fine to me.

    Didn't use your directions gayle, went another way (past the rangers training ground), but thanks anyway face-icon-small-happy.gif

  4. <<

    Do you have a picture of the headlights de-tango'd? I take it it is just a case of putting Silvertec bulbs in is it? Not too sure about the window tints as the cops may have something to say about having the front windows tinted. Although it would look good with light smoke all the way around. Ta for the hints. Anymore?

    Dave >>

    I've got a light-smoke tint all round on my car & never had any bother with the rozzers. I think they target cars with the really dark smoke. Could be wrong though.

    De-Tango'ing the front lights isn't just a case of putting Silvatec bulbs in. See THIS thread for pics of mine done. It involves removing the complete headlight, unscrewing about 8 or 9 small screws on each unit and using hot water and/or a hairdryer to soften the sealant between the lense and the back. Once the lense is off, the orange triangular bit of plastic comes out in about 2 seconds, then it all gets sealed back up again.

    As i say, it took Jamie about an hour per headlight from start to finish, and made quite a difference to the front of the car (in my opinion).

  5. David,

    How about getting the front headlights de-tango'd? I got mine done a couple of weeks ago, and in my opinion it makes quite a difference to the front end. Jamie (H15OOB) done mine, took him approx. 2 hours.

    Not 100% positive on this one, but how about a very slight window tint all round too? Not too dark though, i don't think your colour of car would suit it.

    Just my thought!! face-icon-small-happy.gif

  6. Got them fitted today @ Halleys, took about 1.75 hours.

    They look quite good but i think i noticed an increase in wind-noise (from outside the car before any smart-@rses reply) with the windows up.

    I'll check it out better on the motorway going home tonight (assuming the G8 unwashed haven't blocked the M8) and let anyone interested know.

    I'll also take a couple of pics & post them up later too.

    £115.00 halleys took for supplying + fitting

    EDITED: Pics now below. I'm getting a fair bit of noise thru the passenger side, might need to take it back to Halleys to have a look. Drivers side seal seams fine though.

    Now that i've had a few hours to get used to the look, it's growing on me but got to admit not worth £115!!



  7. erm..... aye, i coudl TRY & explain, i'm no very good at explaining myself.

    What i do (this may not be the most time-efficient way):

    Load your attachments as normal, then go back into your post by pressing edit button @ the bottom.

    Then, what you need to type in is >img border=0 src="http://forums.sidc.co.uk/attachments//mypic.JPG"<

    IMPORTANT PART - i have had to "reverse" the more-than (>) and less-than (<) symbols for the purpose of this post - when your doing it for real it needs to start with a < and end in a >

    ALSO - change the mypic.JPG to the name of the file(s) you've uploaded. If you do more than one, go down onto the next line and add another img border=0 src="" etc etc

    Hope i've made things clear!! If not, just ask face-icon-small-happy.gif

  8. Welcome eddie..... Spooks (Scott) is the Regional Organiser (RO) for your area, he has regular meets in Edinburgh & out in West Lothian too.

    I'm sure if you keep your eyes peeled to the forums you will see him organising a meet soon!

    Fast & Modified show is on @ Ingliston on Sunday July 17th, the SIDC are going to have a stand there with 15 cars on show so why not pop along & say hello?

    Also, i recommend purchasing the full SIDC membership if you haven't already done so. It's £29.99 a year and you get a regular Subaru magazine thru the post, plus the best bit - discount from many suppliers inc. some main dealers. The £29.99 can be recouped in no time if your purchasing a lot more mods!!


  9. maybe just me being a big fearty barsteward, but if that was me they could have taken the car..... no peace of metal is worth getting stabbed over.

    Suppose you never know how you'll react until it happens to you though. Anger might get the better of you.

    Hope the police get off their lazy backsides and trace this mob and charge them.

  10. lol @ chris..... u think there would be a billion people around the world watching THAT concert? Probably!

    Got replacement ones from Autostores, not putting them on @ the moment though. Got to admit, I never nicked the dust-caps off cars for my bike tyres when i was a kid (as far as i can remember) but i probably thought about it!

    Apologies for cluttering up the forum for something so trivial, i was a wee tad annoyed yesterday afternoon when i noticed they were missing, and the computer was logged onto the interweb face-icon-small-happy.gif

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