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Posts posted by oobster

  1. Welcome....

    Aye, that's a braw looking motor you got there, looking forward to some pics with the PFF7's fitted.

    Trust me - the modding bug won't lie dormant for long once you've got that stuff fitted!


  2. A-reggy Chocolate Brown 1.0 mini

    Managed to forward-roll it into a ditch 2 months after i got it, walked away without a scratch but the roof was caved in so was written off.

    Think i was paying about £900 insurance fully-comp at the time but was paying it in installments - once the settlement cheque arrived i cancelled the DD, and never heard anything back from the insurance co. - was quite surprised!

    Also managed to half the speed limit sign in two on the way to the ditch - i got a bill in from West Lothian Council for "replacement of street furniture"


  3. nope you just canny beat them!

    sma01 - new back-box is braw, but got a nervous week - our boss is up from head office this week and there could be redundancies - if i'm for the chop then the car will need to be sold (no chance of finding a similarly-paid position elsewhere) so it could be that the Subaru ownership will be short-lived!

    Ah well...... fingers crossed n all that

  4. I always used Steve Walker - was always more than happy with his work until he did the front door on a metallic silver Audi A4 and didn't feather-in the paint onto the back door, you could see the difference in shade a mile off. To give Steve his due, he did re-do the repair to my complete satisfaction (but he was a wee bit grumpy about it). Got to admit that my maker did not bless me with ANY patience though, which can get on some people's t*ts.

    He does all the repairs for Lomond Audi in Glasgow i believe, so he can't be that bad & he's always busy!

    Dawn took her 206 down there today, Stevie reckons it doesn't need a new quarter but he's booked up for the next 2 weeks, so that shows how popular he is.

    His number is 01506 633471

  5. fortunately it wasn't the scoob, but her 206 is only just over a year old.

    Getting quotes for it this afternoon, hope it doesn't need a new rear quarter.

    I've "politely asked" her to park well away from other cars in future (having pointed this out to her numerous times in the past - but women always know best!!!) so perhaps this "incident" will prove that i was right (just for a wee change).

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