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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. Here is mine in the scanner to give you all an idea. Cheers Malky. Brian
  2. Spooks, You can come up with me - I may go up in the Primera? Good to have the company... Brian
  3. 1) Jamie......HI SOOB.......Friday 4th 2) Swiggi.....Fraser..........any visiting family anyway! 3) Calum.....~ ~ Cal ~ ~ Friday 4th 4) Gordon....p1ggm........4th cool with me 5) Matt.........sti-zlv.........4th 6) Brian.........WRXMANIA..........HOPEFULLY Yeah, this should be alright - I have a funny suspicion about the fourth being busy but don't for the life of me know. Oh well, hope to see you guys there. Brian
  4. Good car to be had for a bargain. Good luck with the sale. Brian
  5. Need I say anymore!!!! C&C Custom Rumbles in Hillington I'll give Cameron a phone and find out when he expects it to fall off!! Just kidding Superb quality I am sure you will agree. Glad you like it - it looks good too. Brian
  6. I'd come along too Jamie, depending on how far up North etc?!?!? I seem to be at every other meet - need to head to Dundee and Aberdeen just for the sake of it - NOT!!!!!!!! In saying that Dundee is probably just as close for me as Ayr etc! Brian
  7. Cheers Matt, I quite like the look of the carbon fibre tailpipe guard too for my exhaust, All I need now is the cash
  8. Half the price of Subaru though I spoke to Scott briefly at the Japanese Auto Extravaganza last year - was gonna ask prices then but never did. They are £145 on site - did you manage to get a discount? Wish he'd do a group buy Also, can't be bothered with them getting ripped off - everyones flaps seem to get caught so be careful. Where did you pick up your STI wheels from? Brian
  9. Hey Cal, Looking good - I have thought of flaps for ages - what was the price? The wheels look good - the same colour as the 03 - WRX ones - best colour for black (and most colours really ) Brian
  10. I think Alan was asking how the rolling road testing is done??
  11. Cal. You still loving the black beastie then??? Write up your thoughts on it after a month!!!!!!!! Brian
  12. Hi Cal, Already a long listing on SIDC General about this one. Good supplement. Brian
  13. Subaru dealer - £200 roughly plus discount - check the Subaru accessories page on the main website: SUBARU UK WEBSITE Brian
  14. You're game Grant!!! Finishing up on Princes Street in Edinburgh
  15. Don't lower too much - you'll goof up the handling. Best ooption by far seems to be the Prodrive Suspension Spring Kit available from your local Subaru dealer. Then getting a full, proper geometry check done - not just alignment eg Kwik Fit. Lowers 15-20mmm IIRC and makes the new age cars much better to drive. Brian
  16. Good on you Grant, You know I will support this Brian
  17. Malky, Can you use my car picture from the other thread for me thanks. Be great to get it Friday.. Brian
  18. I must be missing a point - where are all these comments??? I have been here since the start of Scottish Scoobies and lived through, took flak for and was involved in all the Scoobynet stuff at the time. SIDC is not like Scoobynet - that was a moderation issue - there are no moderation issues here as far as I can see - Dougster is the only moderator. If there are things to discuss, lets discuss them at a meeting, not online. Personal issues should not come into a car club - I don't see any with any other clubs I am a member of. For SIDC to be taken seriously it needs to be respected but not taken as a life and death matter. People come and go, people have "issues" and people annoy others at times but we all are here for the same reason - we like the Impreza and enjoying belonging to a club. I fully agree with the comments about burnouts, etc - the club must also have standards without being pompous. Let's drop the issue, discuss it in person and lock these threads. Brian
  19. There seems to be a reasonable list of folk wanting the lanyards on the other thread. Negative comments from Dougster were quite a while ago and the ones on the new thread are generally positive and only suggest logistical issues. I, like many others, agree with your points about collective Andy and good on you and Malky for getting the idea going. Brian
  20. Now - does that not look SO much better than the ironing board
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