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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. Who is all going then? I am going up on the Sunday with the good lady - about time she had a good day out Brian
  2. Hope you guys have a productive meet. I am still at work in Edinburgh so I will not be there. Post up the general jist. Brian
  3. Welcome Del. I used to think Steve and John were common Scooby owner names - need to add Del/Des to the list
  4. I'll be there 1. Spooks and Ms icklespooks 2. GAYLE & IMY 3. Stiks (work/flights permitting!) 4. Oobster and Soon-2-be-Mrs. Oobster 5. WRXMANIA Brian
  5. I had hoped I would have got some bids for it by now
  6. I'd settle for 35p per litre Optimax - the RON rating will do me
  7. I can just envisage Grant's dulcet tones speaking those words through the intercom Brian
  8. Andy - if viewing it using XP/Windows Internet Explorer if you hover over the bottom right hand corner an enlargement arrow thing appears in orange. It was bigger but is reduced when uploaded Brian
  9. As long as you get the WRX PPP cat section it will be fine - this was not suitable because it was an STI PPP part (the STI has a different turbo as Matt said above). Matt - this may mean Spooks also may not want it - his is a bugeye like Cal's. Brian
  10. Hello All, Some of you may have received this letter and the news within is not unknown but here it is in Black and white. Let's hope the new set up is good. Brian
  11. Well said! Check out the Magic Bus - they can NEVER say that is emissions free Brian
  12. SIDC Discount List Many folk here have used Halleys but they are not on the above list. I am sure some people have had a discount??? Brian
  13. I have one in my car - piece of p*ss to fit - just like any other filter. Other ones recommended seem to be Green and K&N is OK too (I had one). Can't say I notice much difference between that and standard but hey IT SAYS "STI" on it Brian
  14. My name just comes from Monty Python's "The Life of Brian" Brian
  15. Good luck getting rid Derek, Most folk have to bin it (ie me and many others) as we can't even give them away. SOmetimes people try them at £5 and still no go (see eBay for example). Might be best to hang on to it just in case you need it at any time. Brian
  16. Wonder if the person who was called by accident has caller ID Classy burd n'at eh?
  17. Feel sorry for the folk that were killed. Not nice reading
  18. I am not slating anyone - we all wanna have fun with the cars etc. People do not deserve to be baited, slagged or moaned at - this is a public forum. I have no gripe with anyone - some people take offence far too easily.
  19. Sorry JC Scoob - I am not getting your point? The RO's are there to help out and the club relies on them.
  20. Looking good The Swigg! The wheels look white in the bottom picture - that would be awesome! Brian
  21. What is this place coming to
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