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Everything posted by chrissy

  1. looks gd ed, if ya need a prodrive decal a fink my dads got one, let me kno if ya want it coz a doubt he'll need it haha
  2. dunno if its anyone on here but spotted outside my work today (euro car parts in saracen street), car sounds brilliant! chrissy
  3. i think thats stunning, well done to the guy for doing things alot different from every1 else n putting up with all the negative comments thrown at him which IMO is uncalled for! dunno y he is being classed a chav for that car, its probably had more spent on it that most people would spend on a complete car haha
  4. was that middle one not on celeb big brother?? tracy bingham ....ooooh yeah!!
  5. thats beautiful, wheels look amazing on it
  6. lucky u chris lol i dread to fink wot mine will b for next year on the saxo, i was 1400 third party on a standard 1.1 last year haha n now ill hav a bodykit n stuff so dreading it
  7. when did ye say i was getting a shot again claire???
  8. << I have been told that mine is on the home page of www.strathycruise.co.uk !! God I am so proud!!! Max Power here i come!!! Rice Rocket >> or fast and modified paul
  9. << soon to be disclosed pocket rocket!!!! >> haha i kno already mad burd
  10. biker must hav cacked it or something lol
  11. orange and black...mmmmmmmmmm do it!
  12. well in del, keep it up if only ma old man would do the same lol
  13. there is but they r in german! LOL!
  14. he aint put them on yet del, dont ask me y tho
  15. IMHO if the paint on the rest of the bumper is fine then they bodyshop aint painted it correctly ie, sanding the origional paint away, priming and re-painting in red, although if you had just asked for them to be painted over the white paint then it was just a matter of time before the chipping happened, hope that helps a wee bit n y not try a tape test yourself to see if it does take paint off, saves ya a journey if it doesnt. chrissy
  16. chuffed!, probs the best chance we hav of getting through will still b hard though
  17. got to b fake, no one could possibly do that off the crossbar 3 or 4 times in a row n hav it come back straight at ur head, gd skills at the start n the end tho
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