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Everything posted by chrissy

  1. definetily get a stand, it gives the club some publicity, n could encourage alot more people to join
  2. we had a stand at the max power event there so i cant see much difference in this one
  3. haha that subarus mad n that other wee thing would b a gd laugh 2 drive
  4. esp powdercoating, the people that were at the f+m show. IIRC they were about 30 quid a wheel. www.espcoating.co.uk 0141 3363800
  5. lol thats a man after ur own heart chris wif the race suit lol, that supra is crazy
  6. i reckon black alloys look brill on blue cars, makes it look even more sporty IMHO. i'll b gettin black or really dark alloys on my car aswell so u wont b the only one lol
  7. << Hey Chrissy its a shame we didnt get a picture of the other hairy BIG Cracking pose eh??? bobs bum LOL claire >> lmao!!! that was repulsive!
  8. wheres the one with my CRACKin pose? lmao
  9. me n ma dad r finkin about goin up, c ya'll there if we do
  10. glad 2 hear ur back in the scoob m8
  11. its probs drb5, only one i can fink of that fits the description
  12. am quite sure ma dad would pick u up chris if pete aint going
  13. either that or drag the mouse over some text and right click yer mouse, then go to copy. to paste put the curser where u want the text and right click the mouse again and go to paste
  14. io took it down to a local garage earlyer n the guy sed he finks its a problem wif the carburrator, but he didnt hav the machine to test it
  15. as a few of u know i got a citroen saxo for my birthday, but, recently iv been having some problems wif it n im lookin for some mechanical advice. heres the problem, when im driving, the car move or less drives itself lol, i kno it sounds daft but its like the accelorator is jammed although if i put my foot under the pedal n pull it up it doesnt make a difference. when i stop the car at say traffic lights or a junction u can hear the car revving up. but its not just a steady rev, it revs n stops revs n stops revs n stops and so on and the only way for me to stop it doin it is if i rev it up higher that its revving itself. its got to the point where im fed up of people finkin i wanna race them lol so anyone got any idea wot it could be and if so how much its gonna cost to get fixed?? cheers
  16. fanx evry1, dig money aint a prob wif me lol they deserve it for puttin up wif me for so long
  17. i got a job apprentice parts advisor for euro car parts
  18. dont worry m8 i was there in my saxo so u werent the only one not in a scooby good meet billy hope all r as gd attented only bad fing was the fact i lost £20 anyone find it?
  19. it would b gd to hav it on a monthly basis, hope ur remembering im ur passenger for the next one chris
  20. ill see if i can talk my (overly tanned) dad into goin aswell, gd way to charge the battery back up i reckon
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