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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. I was going to say I thought the beer had got to him, but he's in America. At (american beer company) we brew our beer slightly weaker for that really watery taste. It's so good the foreignners hate to see it arrive.
  2. Forums need a joker. Life needs a joker. It's serious enough without fun places like this becoming stagnant sources of dullness. I'm sure if we were all serious people then we'd be driving round in Beige Diesel Mondeos, or Fiat Multiplas. Actually, it takes a certain madness to drive a multipla. Or a fiat.
  3. I've got to stop leaving the forum for more than an hour. Everything happens. It's clearly my fault. Good to see you're still here Chris. I for one enjoy the banter
  4. 26 miles! Eeek. I tend to be a 70 man on A roads like that anyway, but the foot does occasionly wander downwards. I thought they'd just improved that road to make it less of a death trap?
  5. IMDB is mistaken. I am almost certain. I do believe it was a black Mitsubishi Starion Turbo that he and Jaws from the bond films copiloted. Jackie has also driven a number of Mitsubishis in various films, because I do believe he is sponsored by them. He even starred as a mechanic and racing driver in one called Thunderbolt where he drives an FTO in a great chase sequence at the start, and races a works 3000GT towards the end. Quality film that. Despite him being on the darkside
  6. << McGoo I agree, theres no need to gumball/canonball/screwball everywhere. A nice convoy of scoobies would be good. i think im getting old and sensible >> Damn! Just when I had sorted out my Burt Reynolds in the army uniform from the canonball run. Guess I'll need to shelve my nun outfit too.
  7. Launching with that sort of power must be an absolute joy to behold. A bitch to execute I imagine though. Congrats Andy. I think I might need to head to TOTB to cheer on the Scottish contingent.
  8. IF the car is legal and meets noise standards then you clearly have nothing to worry about. If these people are genuinely threatening then perhaps some sort of action against them is required. Even just a letter explaining your point of view to them. Not a strongly worded threat of your own, just explaining your opinions, and that your car is perfectly legal. If that doesn't stop them then council, police, ASBO, something like that would be the next step. If it was you that was in the Kincardine shell at the same time as me on the way to KH for the trackday last month - I was in the 54 WRX that tailed you onto the M876 then into the petrol station - then I wouldn't have said your car was particularly loud. Especially compared to some of the beasts on display that day.
  9. How you doin'? Oh dear. Most cliched welcome ever. Enjoy the forum. The banter's great, but they'll make you buy mods you don't need.
  10. Drag your mouse over some text (assuming you want to copy text), then go to the edit menu and hit copy. OR, use the keyboard shortcut, which is holding down control and tapping c. To paste just put the mouse where you want the text to go and chose paste from the edit menu, or use the keyboard shortcut of control and v. Control and x = cut (which copies the text and then removes it from the screen). Doing pictures is much the same really, but obviously not every application supports copying and pasting pictures.
  11. Bit of a shame that oobster. Makes me wary of getting them now. So, £115 to spend? Scott Lowe lip/splitter?. Wee bit more pricey perhaps. Waiting on one arriving myself, as well as one of the spec c replica wings. And a new exhaust next Friday too. Lovely.
  12. You sneaked this edit past me oobster! They do look good, but the price is certainly questionable with the fitting. I will consider them after my wee modding spree is finished for the moment.
  13. Glasgooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Boxers on the Clyde. The Irn Bru Express.
  14. Hear hear. A day that promised to be remembered for all the right reasons with African aid at the G8 ended up being one that will go down in history for all the wrong reasons.
  15. Not sure if I'd get the carbon splitter or just the regular which is matt black if I had the STI. Either way I wouldn't colour code.
  16. Will Extreme be doing whiteline droplinks + fitting then? Might be tempted.
  17. Looking good Dave. Looking very good indeed. I'm waiting on some bits coming form Scott Lowe, including a spitter. Once they arrive you can check out the picture and see what you think. I personally think they look the absolute business, and would really finish off the front end of your car. This link should show you what to expect it to look like on your own car.
  18. Took me an extra 45 minutes to get to work this morning. M80 was shut, so everyone getting shoved on the M876 where I wanted to go, then the Kincardine bridge was jammed up. There was a queue from the bridge right back to my work, on the other side of the gartarry roundabout, so about 4 miles. Plus the queue at that roundabout was coming from 3 different sides. It was taking people who live literally 3 or 4 miles from work almost an hour to get here.
  19. THink I need 215/45/17, otherwise I would have been very trempted. Also just bought a few mods, so can't afford them this month. Great price though.
  20. Argh, cannae make it now. I'll get to one of these things one day.
  21. That's what I get for listening to the advice of a woman.
  22. Pete, I used to work down in Broomhouse, those vans must have went past me 2 minutes after they went past you. I do miss sniper's alley. We've had 4 or 5 choppers overhead today. Which is 4 or 5 more than I've ever heard here before, I'm about 3 miles outside of Kincardine. Infact as I type another one is just going over. Noisy too.
  23. Southbound near Auchenkillins. Not been down past it yet myself, but got an email warning it was there. Traffic's slow through the roadworks at peak time anyway, but I've saw even the police doing 50-60 through it in the quiet times.
  24. I've just this minute viewed that page whilst wandering round your website on an entirely unrelated matter. It's a good looking car alright. Not as nice as the 22b of course, but then nothing much is. I've sent you a wee PM on an unrelated manner too.
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