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Everything posted by wilky

  1. Still trying to get rid of this, its a bargain and only used once, sallopets are new. Snowboard Burton Nitro size 154, white with black graphics, subtle not in your face. Nirto matching bindings. Nitro Boots size 9.5, will fit a 10 or a 9. Sallopets in light Brown, very trendy but too warm for the dancing. Board bag for travelling abroad. £150 for the lot. Cost over £400 new. Reason for sale, I dont have the time or the space for it anymore. Callum W
  2. At work and skiving!! lol, Enjoyed seeing everyone and its a shame the weather wasnt better so we could peer under bonnets. It was nice to see everyone blethering and the atmosphere seemed better than Stalag Stepps. Davie, dont worry I never noticed whether I said hi to you or not, sorry I will at the next meet. Sorry Billy didnt make it. Was nice to see Andy and Malky up from Ayrshire, we should make the effort to pop down to one of the Ayr meets, they are our neighbours after all and Dels forecast of events looked like fun. Perhapes a night pi$$ with them would be a good idea?? Grant as always you are a legend in your own luchtime. Once the weather improves and the winter mods are complete we can go for a wee jaunt post meet. Thanks for listening to my RB relay rants. Callum W
  3. Just a quick one, and this may be a wild card but have you checked the rubber gromit in your idle control valve. I suffered similar problems with my silver wrx a few years ago, turned out to be the rubber valve was perforated. The idle control valve is situated on the back of your inlet manifold and to the right as you look at it from the front. Remove it from the manifold and inside against the manifold is the rubber valve. Check that if you havent already. Callum W
  4. << Aye Burton, that'll sell it. "I've got a Ford for sale, totally top car, cannie mind the model but it's a bargain, got wheels and seats the lot." _ Romeo Oscar Bravo Bravo Oscar Sorry, I forgot the spec I need to get into the loft and get it down. PM me if interested Ill have it by then, Ive just moved house so no internet atm. Callum W out. >>
  5. << Aye Burton, that'll sell it. "I've got a Ford for sale, totally top car, cannie mind the model but it's a bargain, got wheels and seats the lot." _ Romeo Oscar Bravo Bravo Oscar out. >> Woops a daisy! Didnt realise I was dealing with the snowboard police! Ive forgotten all this spec Ill get up in the loft and have a look, if anyone is interested PM and Ill gladley give the the spec once I get it. YANKEE OSCAR UNIFORM ALPHA ROMEO ECHO ALPHA DELTA INDIA CHARLIE KILO
  6. My days of playing with this nonsense re over and I have no idea why I bought this in the first place but its top potato and all in worth over £450. 1 x Burton Snow board 1x pair of boots dont remember the make but its a top brand size 9.5 will fit 9 or a 10 Bindings fitted Pair of scallopets in light brown. All used once, a year old Can show but digital camera has gone walkbout so no pictures. Will bring to yer door and show. £150 the lot to shift. With the new slope at Braehead this will be a good buy. Callum W
  7. Ensure you have a good dentist young Jedi, they will no doubt be like my cuscos, and rattle the teeth right oot yer feckin heed! Look at the squirrel!! I only gave him a lift home ffs!!! Nice one. Callum W
  8. Thanks guys! yes it is top notch, sits nice and high but is a perfect fit. Callum W
  9. Due to the modifications on my car and turning my turbo 45degrees I need to have a new downpipe made and I may as well go for a loud, ripping exhaust and sell the custom exhaust I made last year. The down pipe is a GP A scoobysport fully wrapped and 3 inch with a "snake head" stainless steel. The exhaust is surgical steel 316 grade from down pipe to back box fabricated to my spec, ie straight to the box. The back box is magnex 6 inch oval and sits in the normal position not at an angle. The bends are minimal and she will easily flow in excess of 350hp without choking the car like some "preformance exhausts". It is in exceptional condition and the downpipe is freshly wrapped by the Squirrel. For the lot I am asking £300. Which is well cheap for an exhaust of this grade of steel and build quality. The exhaust is quite and keeps you below the radar when driving about town, the police will not be drawn to your noise its very quiet. When you nail it the note changes and she will not dissapoint, ask anyone who has been behind me on a run. Very nice. Ask the squirrel for some details if you want to know more or PM me if you are interested. Callum W
  10. Can anyone find uncle Volter smashing the ring record in the Porsche? 6m 14 sec I think he got, or the pikes peak in the S1 that really is special. Callum W
  11. Sorry, yes knockhill is the best for on track instruction. When I first went on I asked the instructor and he came out with me. It was very good. Callum
  12. The best way to learn is to put a hoody on and put the hood up. wait until you see a couple of cops with white topped hats on in a suspiciously low Mercedes with plenty negative camber but sh1tty wheels. Quickly take your plates off, catch them up, wait until a junction or traffic lights, Pull up next to them, put the window down and shout... "F**K YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!!" launch the car like Andy F trying to break the 9 seconds, then as they switch on the blue strobe behind the grill, imagine you have just stolen the car and off you pop. The rest will come naturally. failing that wait until my car is in one piece and Ill show you how i do it. Callum W
  13. Havent seen your car for ages Malky, its looking really good. Callum W
  14. Very true Brian, at least we all have its best interests at heart. Im sure things will get better, once I get the Richard Burns thing sorted Ill see if I can help out. Its a shame I cannot help Chris out with the Karting. Did you get a stand in Chris? Callum
  15. There you have it, Youve woken god up. I hope your all happy now!!
  16. << "and load of old pish the lot of it" Callum, why comment on peoples points of view in such a manner? You yourself know comments like this deter people from mixing, attending meets and even posting on the forum. Happy to talk on MSN. >> I feel my comment is true, it is a load of pontification. We need to focus on changing the venue, then going somewhere else and saying "Here we are! lol yes the last meet was a bit stuffy, lol glad to meet you, etc etc etc" I dont see how me saying its a load of pish, lets focus on the venue and take it from there, will deter people from mixing???? I suspect you are just saying that to cast me in a bad light, trying to make me look like the baddy. Your mind games dont work anymore douglas, and they never did. I also know why you mentioned MSN, its probably because you have realised that I have blocked you, and wanted to let me know. I have no intention of talking to you on msn, for the record. Callum W
  17. I have perfected the art of scandinavian flicking a 4WD car. The jalopy has 4WD and in an icey car park at an undisclosed military location this morning I cracked the nut which has eluded me for years. What brought this about was reading Walter Rorhls comments about left foot braking an Audi S1 on one of the recent links, it seemed to make sense when he said that he had initially been doing it wrong and it was a case of keeping the brake pressure constant and balancing the slide on the throttle not the brake. This was my problem, I was doing it arse about face. This along with the Squirrels video coaching sessions on how to unsettle a car before you slide have paid off. Thanks Grant for your insight Thanks Volter for making me see the light And thank you to you know who you are for allowing me to slide my buggy about on the carpark until I got it right. Thats it done with a 60bhp suzuki jeep. All I need is my car finished and ill be trying it with slightly more horses. Callum W
  18. Well, there you have it, everyones point of view and load of old pish the lot of it. Lets go somewhere nice. If you know a nice place tell Billy.
  19. Thats why we need lanyards and badges, lets get another round of them ordered, so we know who the feck we are talking to.
  20. Here we go. I personally dont think you got ripped off. Having heard both sides of the story. However that is no excuse for your keyboard writing cheques your persona cannot pay. Heat of the moment doesnt count. " I was a tube, im sorry!" does. Jamie is one of the most honest people on here, ask anyone he has done work for. You had no right doing what you did, I have got all hot and bothered in the past but I have always done it person to person, and when I have posted pished or caused a rumble, I have always been man enough to say "Im wrong, sorry" Gumballs sense of humour is perhapes cutting to you However other will not see it like that, regardless of who ripped who off, you are now the one in the wrong. IMHO callum W
  21. Aye ok Evil Kinevil, better watch you dont wear out the soles of your shoes walking it.
  22. Dont get excited billy, Im not having a dig at you, your heart is in the right place, but lets go somewhere nice. Big X, Head of the Escape Comittee
  23. I have to give Ed back his 51mm drill bit so I am going, but I may be forced to prize the top off of my fake tooth and bite into the cyanide capsule. Stepps is like Colditz, lets go somewhere else, somewhere im not looking for a beam to throw a rope over. And lets have a bit of fun, I know its not allowed but stuff it I fancy smiling for a change.
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