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About derek_mair

  1. Should get back bout the 1st september mate, so whenever your next day off is then we'll go find new toys.......... Cheeers.
  2. Gav this only means faster toys are required now, when we going lookin?
  3. Aye a know, the other subaru salesman are all tight mate.
  4. Going up to that supercar day on saturday if you fancy it.
  5. Heading up from falkirk, just a drove by on monday coming bak from aberdeen, an it was closed a don't know if it is still closed. Cars going excellent chuffed to have another subaru again. Whens yours due bak on the road?
  6. Does anyone know of the road to knockhill being closed after the hotel, meaning the back road. Cheers
  7. Well am onto the 11th time being stopped by coppers since I've had my scoob (only 7 months) most of that was for my registration plates as well, I got about £90 worth of fines, they don't have anything better to do with their time........
  8. Aye thats rite cheers for that rs grant, mine was a bit filthy but they still wanted the photo shoot wi the bikini chick for fast and modified.........
  9. You seem to have a lot done to your motor though a lot more than me mate........
  10. A was at Crail the day in the blue new age wi the scooby registration, Quite a good day tho a was hitting 14 dead and a 13.89 which was'nt too bad, Nice car you@ve got their p1 ggm
  11. Ha ha your car must be really slow gav..........
  12. Heading back on wednesday for a weeks holiday, just so a can get more stuff done to car.. You've already got the ap brakes on have you not?
  13. I just foned him today, To get info for the tein and whiteline products to go on soon....
  14. Spaceman, I noticed a big difference with my car just de-catted then got it mapped and so far it has 326bhp so there was a noticeable difference to mine I would recommend it against ppp, it also sounds the great....
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