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Everything posted by wilky

  2. Thank you very much John Ill ensure to get my terminology correct in the future. I was refering to dog engagement but was using the lay terminology so often confused by us mere mortals. My new gearbox is straight cut synchro, I just didnt want to confuse the issue and keep it simple. Im sorry that you felt that I was steppimng out of my box, or talking about something I know nothing about. This is a subject I have only recently studied and started to understand. Callum W
  3. Its always worth putting a new washer in but Ive never had any problems with reusing the old one, its up to you, if you use the old one just keep an eye on it for a drip over the next few days. Callum W
  4. There you go, an expert on ballcocks. Now ask me one on sport.... Fee " What is the capital of Peru?" Wilky"Lima" Fee "Correct well done" Wilky "Thank you".
  5. On a sensible note, If your pal fancies a nice drive then a meal, the loch fyne Oyster bar at the head of loch Fyne is an hour away, secluded, chic and fantastic menu. Worth booking though, Zoe Ball got fecked off at the high port for not having a table and doing the celeb foot stamping routine. Callum W
  6. Right, its the bit that heats up and heats the water, kind of like a kettle. or its the fuse or its the wiring. or the ball cock device that controls the filling similar to a toilet, plumber for that So you need someone to suss that out. May be an electricianfor the electrics. Can Adam not fix it?
  7. There is a plumbing comany at the crossroads at Fountain bridge Fee, when I lived in the Old Town I used them, it was easier to walk in and get help than book someone to come round because as im sure you know if you phone they either dont turn up or charge you the earth for a call out. I got them through my home and contents insurance, may be worth looking at that and see if they have someone they use, or is the boiler etc covered by your gas company payments? I used to have that as well. Hope this helps. Callum W
  8. Drumchapel is nice, there are many social areas to sniff glue and score some skag. You often see many scoobies being driven like they have been stolen because they have in fact been stolen. Feel free to dismount and walk about, ensure you have a bottle of electric soup and a lead bar in a football sock.
  9. Okay lets get a few things straight here because I dont think people realise what an absolute nightmare a straight cut box is. If you want to do clutchless changes all the time and are prepared to pay for it, put up with the deafening whine and tempremental behaviour at low speed then straight cut is the answer, having driven one its a nightmare and horrible. I had the funds to go for S/C and decided against it yes I have an uprated gearbox all internals by hewland, billeted selector rods etc etc, but I could not justify the aggro and f**kin noise the thing makes. If you want to ask advice of a man who regularly does these boxes for rally cars and road cars speak to Bill at Greersport, realistic chat, realistic prices. Some people like straight cut first couple of gears then mix and match as they go up the box. I suggest you drive a car with a s/c box before you buy one. Callum W
  10. Thanks for all the kind words. Unusually I have been patient. These things take time. Bill and Colin are the stars, as are Stewart and Steve Whitson, they made the manifold, spacers and over the past 2 years given me fantastic advice. But as i said Bill and Colin made it happen. Feel free the go down to Glengarnock, drool at the car and ask Bill about any mods you fancy. I know this is a shameless plug for Bill but he really does deserve it, I dont think anyone will deny him that. Once the Millenium Falcon breaths again and all is well, including uncle Andy breaking the loaves and the 5 fishes, feeding the 5000 then mapping my car, I will post the spec (Well, most of it) and say my thank yous. Callum W
  11. Agree with the LHFOJ, the perrins seems to get the vote with the yanks who use it on thier 2.5s, buying from the USA is the cheapest option, Wuz got one there. Callum W
  12. I hope not, that will snap my driveshafts! lol. You crazy fool. Callum
  13. Yes it was great to finally get up and see what goes on at crail sans burberry brigade. Col nice to look at your car, Dave sorry to hear about the diff but thats what happens when you mess with the star cluster;) Uncle Zeolite was looking like the mad doctor from back to the future pushing buttons on his time machine and shouting obscenities with his wanted man stubble. And we got a row for wandering about the grass when a race was on. Callum W
  14. Im not going to take the credit, Bill and Colin Greer put it together with my input, I sourced some bits they sourced some. Bills endless list of contacts in the rally world was invaluable. Greersport brought the dream alive. Ill post the spec when she is running. Callum W
  15. (The mongolian horseman stuggled yet again to post another picture) AAAAAAARRGGGHHH!!
  16. Dave corsa broke his diff, we lost interest after that... Good day out though.
  17. Aye son, lets just say the parlours oot o action fur a while!!
  18. Thanks andy, Gareth Hunt, relax, no one is getting thier beans magiced until I have got a handle on the box/ diffs/ brakes and the torque. Once I have convinced myself I can handle it I will take you out for a hurl.
  19. Q1 - Dont know havent started it yet, waiting for a garrett connection. Q2- Your not.
  20. Well well, isnt this gucci fandango!!! Very nackerdooky. Impressed. callum W
  21. Yes Bute is a great place to drive, I took the Squirrel and the LHFOJ across a couple of months ago, they were very impressed. I was going to orginise an Island Extravaganza for the summer after the RB relay, unfortunatley I am resigning my membership after the relay so that wont be happening. Callum W
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