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Everything posted by wilky

  1. That is feckin quality Douglas. ROFPMSL.!!!
  2. Oh dear, look what Ive started....... Bing the ming who runs away from the blondy eich gliba dicht mein shaz, al es kla, Ja ? Der Hoffmeister unt der Jaagermeister unt der ringmeister. Mein Gott en Himmel. der hoff haben ein kliene pimmel. Das es neicht gutt.
  3. But I am sitting here with 3 liters of electric soup and 20 hitlers best, The Dandy Warhols are belting out, and Im going to visit Neptune in the next couple of hours. The car just needs clean plugs and the cold air feed put in to allow uncle Andrew to shake his bag of bones and do white man magic on the beast from the east, for the pest from the west. I had a good day today. Life is sublime. The RB thing is ticking along nicely. Im a happy teddy Callum
  4. With pay day upon us I would like to ask a huge favour of everyone. Please please please tell everyone you know with a computer and a bank card to give as little or as much as they like to the Online RB relay Just give sight. even a pound is better than caw. I know you will have charity fatigue but after the fantastic amounts raised so far, lets try and get all our friends to shell out a couple of quid. Thanks Callum
  5. Thank you all its very kind of you. At this moment I would like to say nothing in case its a big let down. Callum
  6. Stop drinking methadone before you drive.
  7. Ill show you one day, Perhapes at crail.................... lol
  9. Andy I know how you feel, about the banging head bit, there are loads of people who have let me down as far as the whole event goes and many people who should be doing and who have done the square route of Zilch. There are people in positions who bump thier gums then do nothing, there are those who wont take part because they arent interested because it wasnt thier idea and who would rather attend something else that day, and are neglecting those in thier area that want to go. There are people who have said they will help and havent. And there are the cnuts who just sit back complain, say "Oh he hasnt done this he hasnt done that" Offer no help, criticise and wait for you to fall on your face so they can laugh up thier sleeve. Well listen in everyone who reads this. Im going from LE to JOG with or without you and even if I have to pull the feckin car myself and only raise 50p its going ahead and ill die doing it if I have to. You have done fantastic Andy stuff them, I cannot be everywhere ar once but i bet it was great, the folk in england are the same, fundraising alot of them not getting support. You and Malky done good. He who laughs last laughs the longest Callum
  10. Is that a shameless tout for buisness mashman?[]
  11. Brought the Falcon home today, she is sitting in the Batcave Minor now waiting for uncle Andrew to work his magic, I was going to have a fiddle myself but the hand controller on the PFC isnt as user friendly as the software for the link so ill wait and see is I can get my hands on the Apexi software before det the heids right aff it. I may go for a blast down the bypass tonight, off boost of course, I think the people of Glengarnock were unamused with me lapping their industrial estate today, the Prodrive S2 gearbox is alot less noisey than I thought it would be but but the LSD is muchos plated and extremely unforgiving. Callum
  12. Its different, I like it Chris, Good choice. Callum
  13. loling at gumball, loling at warby loling at andy loling at GT, lets all drink the whole bottle of wine between the 5 of us and pump the neighbours dog.
  14. Yes Peter, thats why Im asking because he needs back.[] Still looking. Callum
  15. Ignore him Ricey, dont rise to the bait. Nice stickers Ed, I still have your 51mm drill bit BTW, I need give you a buzz, Ill PM you my mobile number. Then I can journey from the west towards the east......That place of all eternal light. Moodisburn!!! Callum
  16. Hi everyone! I need to borrow an old 94/95 sti or wrx ECU for a couple of weeks, if anyone can lend me one I would ensure it is returned along with a nice bottle of plonk. Before my phone starts ringing and Peter calls out Pinkertons Investigators, the reason I need it is because my apexi is causing my car to overfuel until Uncle Andrew can have a look at it, even with the default map on. And the only way I can get her running anywhere near clean is with a standard ECU. So If anyone has a redundent one lying around and can lend me it I would be very grateful. Callum W
  17. Thanks for the comments, yes it looks great but the proof of the pudding will be in the eating and only when she is on the road and mapped will I have an idea of how fast she is. I pray that it goes well, but im not going to raise my hopes about power, whatever she gives she gives thats all there is to it. Im just happy to own it. Callum
  18. I do need stickers Ricey my dear boy, ill be in touch by PM in the next 10 min. Callum
  19. I love you Grant, lets have children, Ill be daddy....[]
  20. Ill drop something off to. My friends wife had a stroke at the age of 26 it was terrible. Callum W
  21. Why would your phone quiten down? According to my online itemised phone bill I have called you 10 times in the past 6 months.
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