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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. WILKY Point taken. your right, it has got something to do with the fact that no one wants to drive anymore. The last time i got the daily rush was when i went to collect my giro this morning and realised i had forgotten to roll a fag before i left the squat!! I miss smoking the falcon uber ala de platza for fun, then hearing about your boost creep or knock you had etc etc. The gaffs turning 20's plenty nowadays. please hurry back oh...................and thats me back. thanks for the support. thanks to the guys that didnt bother either.
  2. welcome drivefast easterhouse near anniesland? are you joking?
  3. i feel somewhat responsible for this carry on over posting garbage and nonsense and have decided i wont be posting anymore on the forum. At the end of the day, i came here to enjoy myself with other subaru drivers and understand that i have pushed the boundaries of hilarity once to often. Please dont feel the urge to persue these incidents any further as the main culprit is now logging off. The meets and the monthly organised runs etc will continue to attract my dazzling personality however the forum routine is clearly causing dramas due to my somewhat bizzare sense of humour. Many thanks, take the rest of the day off......youve worked hard. Its time i focus more on my career and concentrate less on joking on here........................................................acting like the village idiot doesnt buy me new mods everymonth iM SORRY TO HAVE ABUSED AND RUINED PEOPLES ENJOYMENT HERE Keep in touch with yourselfs LOL The G Unit
  4. i feel somewhat responsible for this carry on and have decided i wont be posting anymore on the forum. At the end of the day, i came here to enjoy myself with other subaru drivers and understand that i have pushed the boundaries of hilarity once to often. Please dont feel the urge to persue these incidents any further as the main culprit is now logging off. The meets and the monthly organised runs etc will continue to attract my dazzling personality however the forum routine is clearly causing dramas due to my somewhat bizzare sense of humour. Many thanks, take the rest of the day off......youve worked hard. Its time i focus more on my career and concentrate less on joking on here........................................................acting like the village idiot doesnt buy me new mods everymonth Keep in touch with yourselfs LOL The G Unit
  5. ok the jokes over. someone must want this beatiful piece of engineering for their scooby? £150 is a ferkin steal
  6. try swiggisonestopshopgarage he lives in that neck of the woods and is an amicable character
  7. i would let everyone hear my voicemail but if i post my number too many random birds may phone LOL Pleasure doing business with you Russell. You have helped me out on a lot of technical issues too which has helped. I WILL talk to you again. Cheers G UNIT
  8. << Besides we all have "dream cars" >> exactly, good point. I dont want the elise anymore was that you i passed on the M8 about 8am this morning? i was going East.....you were going West????????????
  9. to set the record straight also on anither issue before mothercare run out of toys and prams.... Myself and squirrell555 the mad violinist are actually good friends and have a strange sense of humour as demonstrated previously by both of us no doubt. Please ignore our twoing and frowing LOL
  10. here here its about time there were more outings and runs and less boredom and nonsense on here. LOL
  11. all kidding aside and the easily escalated encouragement from Cyril555. This thread is supposed to be a serious one relating to the letter above. I dont want it to appear that im being sarcastic in anyway. Cyril......take yesterday off you nutcase. If i wanted your opinion i would have squeezed your heed LOL your a credit to your nation and a nuisance in the bookies
  12. listen to you cyril you jive ass turkey............ GBL was started a while ago not as an abbreviation of gumball that could be cleverly altered to mean gay bar loiterer, and was invented in reference to you. keep chapping doOrs at halloween YOU GBL i also hear that greigs the bakers are looking to fill a vacancy? THEY WANT YOU TO PAINT THE FACES ON THE XMAS CAKES LOL
  13. oh yeah fantastic idea! regarding the moderator skills...was it an intense course?
  14. GUMBALL 101 ACCACIA AVENUE GLASGOW G4 STI 28/06/2005 To Whom it may concern, I am writing to offer my sincerest apologies for my childish and immature behaviour last night on this fine SIDC Forum. What i did last night as i mentioned above was both irresponsible and very time consuming for the SIDC server, not to mention the issues where members were possibly feeling ill or dizzy at the sight of seeing my name all the way down the forum main page. What appeared to be squaddie humour in my minds eye was clearly taken as nuisance spamming by more sensible and senior members of the forum and club we love. Having thought about my actions in more detail i have come to the conclusion that i have boredom fatigue and will refrain from posting complete and incoherant nonsense all over the forum in future. Again as it is for all other humans it is important that i still feel part of the family and would like for this whole episode to be put to rest rather than people arguing over what is sociably acceptable on the forum and what is not. Many thanks to the people that fought my corner in some way last night and attempted to justify my lunatic antics. Thank you. Its important as i can see now that people and potential new members to the SIDC do not look on this forum and see nothing but some random weirdo replying to every thread out of boredom due to the fact that his cars in the driveway and he has nothing else to do, because this club is fantastic and is usually filled with positive, constructive, helpfull and friendly advice and discussions. Again, i would like to apologise for being a comedian (in my mind) last night and overlaoding the SIDC server with my dry sense of humour. If i posted a thread saying "WAS IT YOU...WR BLUE STI......etc etc" The last thing i would want or appreciate is some clown saying "NO , DEFINATELY NOT ME" lol I will not be utilising this excellent recreational forum as some kind of lunatic random intense hardcore immense rollercoaster again. Thanks Yours Sincerely The G Unit
  15. I need the lotus too. got everything else apart from that. dont think im going to find it by next wednesday either. Anyone got it and missing others? I'LL PUT THEM TOGETHER AND WE CAN SPLIT THE CASH IF WE WIN THE DRAW!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY
  16. paddle clutch has to be the way ahead
  17. LOL squirrel your a real cad your a real gaylord
  18. Karps Glad to hear your having a god time in the land of the sphinxters. have you gotten yourself up the pyramids and been bumped out of 20 quid for a camel ride? its cheaper up the town on a saturday night i was there in 1997 on route from Cyprus and there was a guy with a glasgow accent selling watches that didnt work. He sold me a smoked rolex. If you see him please give him a belt fed right hander and tell him gumball was asking for him. get yourself into the mcdonalds there in Cairo for a donkey quarterpounder and horse flies. Top drawer
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