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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. aye, but whos who???????? defo looks like swiggi in the middle. Silver Fox at 24 years of age. pmsl
  2. you know all about money saving!! where my ten spot from earlier?????????????????
  3. knocklink- gumball dawes device- Ian J i think you'll find that GBL is an abbreviation used in your place of work for you when your out and about........................................... driver number 23-GBL YGC
  4. i didnt realise there was a website for this kind of sensitive closed source intelligence? i found one the other day when i was looking at the gay times called WWW.LOOSELIPS/SINKSHIPS.CO.RUSSIA
  5. i saw your car at uncle funks yeterday when i was there. looks cool mate
  6. you just start posting with secret information on boat movement why dont you? dont you realise were at war with the enemy within? what happens if captain birdseye is part of the SIDC mascarading as wilky for instance? dont tell me..........................
  7. whats chocolate fude cake????? you crazy young man YGC
  8. Have you tried the standard valve for a 2000 wrx shop? i hear they have a few YGC
  9. i'll take the knocker off you you crazy cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may need it very shortly LOL LOL LOL. i may swap you for a 710 cap if you want?
  10. Gumball


    how is it people like us only ever hear about these stories after they happen???????? i bet the gadgy in the photo got busy when he was there too!!!!!!!!!!!!! definately!!!!!!!!!! lucky ferker. 50p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. LOL Ill need to check that one out. I would stay away from German bikers though mate, you may end up smoking a cigar whilst wearing leather trousers when all you wanted to do was drive fast at KH
  12. what a weirdo. running into moving cars is clearly a new one on me................... you should have banged him clean out, then rolled him up in a carpet and taken him to the .................with surgical gloves..................................and a white forensic suit........................................................you knw the rest
  13. Many thanks to DREADNOUGHT GARAGE for allowing me tp participate in tonights excellent track event at KH. I should have asked before i got there but i got the bug watching the fast cars go round. Also many thanks to the Ferrari that i smoked on the straight, and decided he was going to overtake me going into the dip. (top man, take the rest of the night off, and give your braincell a rest you coconut) apart from that it was another top track day/night and i thouroughly enjoyed it. also.............turn right at SALINE before KH and go up that road, then come in the other way to KH. fantastic road. adds about 5 minutes to the journey though.:
  14. get past the first one and slow right down. then dont spead again until your off that stretch. (if your going to fast that is) or take the fron plate off your car and pretend it fell off. i think this reply is going to get deleted somehow, but its funny
  15. without looking at the link that doesnt click, can we attend as participants????? please
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