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Everything posted by scooby222

  1. well if all the people so keen for me to go chip in for my petrol money..... still running top mount Peter and standard injectors and maf too so still room for more if i get bored
  2. its an Owen developments 400 - as far as i can tell somewhere between a 20g and an md321 wasnt present for mapping but guesstimate is about 380/90 hp not sure on torque, but enough of a difference to keep me grinning well theres more chance of me getting the right ferry on my own than with Del boy navigating Gus....
  3. anyone on here marshalling at the IRC event in october? Id like to volunteer my services but not sure how to go about it
  4. big thanks to the guys at RA for getting my new turbo fitted and mapped by Andy F, and even talking me out of buying bits that wouldnt have made a noticeable difference! cars going great now pulls much harder top end and leaves me grinning every time :D now someone give me a boot in the baws if i sugest doing anything else to it.........
  5. and that weekend a lot of the sidc track monkeys will be in germany.....
  6. nice one - looks really good with the rest of the car now anyone brave enough to wrap an RB320 splitter in orange????
  7. i had the same problem before the mcrae gathering Kenny it may be possible to get the right polish and pad and carefully machine polish it but id say the only thing to do is phone your insurance company and tell them about the big spreading crack on your screen.......
  8. looking for someone up in perthshire over the next week that could drop a set of discs off to kenny wrx
  9. id suggest an uprated gearset into one of the boxes you have and a specialist rebuilding it - should be cheaper than a newage 6 speeder fitted and capable of handling the power your after
  10. hiya and welcome mate 2 things come to mind - as its an import it could have an aftermarket ecu thats not set up right and the other thing is what fuel are you running on? at those speeds jap imports designed for 100 ron fuel could struggle on anything less than 98
  11. after last years xmas bash at the huntingtower, im thinking its time to start organising if we're going to do it again so straight poll yea or ney - and there wont be any dress code, you can wear whatever you want as i know that scared some of you soap dodgers last year will be a 3 course meal, disco, plenty of 'diet coke' and accomadation if you want it any suggestions for alternate venues, suggestions for improvements welcomed by post or goat
  12. and apologies if you felt i was having a go, wasnt meant that way there we go, peace and love in scoobyland again
  13. Stevie i one hundred per cent back you that if your thread was deliberately removed its wrong and a, it shouldnt have b, you shouldve have been told and explained why I have NEVER heard or seen a thread on ss.net having Harsh things to say about SIDC, but have overheard SIDC members saying that the ss.net is for... & I quote "Boy Racers"... Have U seen the ages of the members there? I'm 43 FFS (Boy Racer)!?!?!? I witnessed the start of the Highland Fling & ss.net aint got a patch on those Guys.... last line is the one im talking about Kev you cheeky b****er
  14. sorry was busy trying to fit my chrome 20" spinners over the AP's....... totally and utterly agree with James post above, any comments i made were directed at the whole them and us debate coming up again not any individual,its all been covered before on both sides so we really do need to let it go and try and have a sense of humour. the only thing i objected to was the feeling that the event that i spend a lot of time and effort organising and so many people enjoy was being classified as a boy racers burn up. I like to think that i set a reasonably nifty pace suitable for public roads and make sure that no one feels they have to keep up by driving beyond their limits. Al can you make the neons flash in time to my choons? if so im in Barry, was thinking that we'd start at mcd's, then move to kfc then burger king and if we do it in inverness we could finish up in pets at home car park, sure ive seen other subaru's there late at night.....
  15. couldnt agree more - never met riggers but Bobby, Tam and Paul have all done the hghland fling with me and are always well up in the progressive group, its what these cars are about - twisty roads being driven hard but safe
  16. know what you mean, posts keep crossing! sorry must have you confused! thought you were up at the first trackday with your son and i showed you where to sign on for passenger rides?
  17. seems like a case of crossed wires Stevie, it seemed like you were suggesting that we were boy racers on the highland fling - we pressed on but in a mainly responsible manner. for me boy racers are the crowd you see at maccy d's at 11pm on a friday night, sitting in a car park comparing lexus rear lights and nova's with impreza scoops before wheelspinning their way to the town centre. and yes i have been there and done that to my shame in my dim and distant youth but thats not the behaviour sidc associates with
  18. Stevie, ive met you several times and got on fine with you, even suggested people to give you pax's at knockers last time - im not picking on you, i genuinely thought yours was the only post missing. Neils deleted post was months ago an i dont know of anyone elses being deleted. I was genuinely suggesting that if it was deleted it could be a real mistake not some personal vendetta
  19. by the way, is your missing post the one thats in events or have you reposted? just wondering if a mod moved it to events rather than deleting it?
  20. i dont have a problem with you raising points Stevie, especially if you have posts going missing but taking a pop at the highland fling that i organised and ran for the 3rd year successfully for no good reason seems a bit out of order. if any of the guys involved were doing donuts/burnouts at stirling, hooning round the car park or behaving like arses pleas let me know and il make sure theyre not involved again
  21. erm would you care to qualify that statement Stevie? because that comes across as a pretty personal stone thrown at me for no good reason....
  22. oh ffs not this one again - dont know what happened to your post Stevie but do consider that it could be a genuine mistake/failing of server, apparently the comitee are only human - who'd have guessed to look at them..... as to which clubs better, as long as we all enjoy scoobs, drive responsibly and have fun who cares? yes i take the piss out of .net from time to time, same as i take the piss out of ford forums, evo forums, honda forums and all the other forums im on - lets keep a sense of humour folks,after all i dont see people jumping to defend mitsi's honour..... and as for an area for all impreza clubs to join together, keep your ears to the ground people
  23. well done, must feel great! fingers crossed for the mot
  24. i got a passing sailor to do mine
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