i've got goodspeed brakes on my bug eye and they are great, i'm sure there was a group buy of DBA a little while ago, my godspeeds will fit under a 17" wheel i think but the space saver dosn't fit on the front any more!!!
havn't answered any of your questions here but hope it helps.
hey bud,
yea thats the one, if you coming FROM cambridge its the 3rd exit (Milton) then first rleft at the next round about into the car can't miss it, if you coming the other way first left (milton) then first left again
have a look in the for sale bit normally tons of bits there, but a word of warning one of my house mates got chatting to a taxi driver on the way back from a night out in Cambridge and he was told the fuzz were starting to pull cars over with loud exhaust, not sure how true it is but I have noticed a lot more police about over the weekend.
anywho welocome to scooby ownership
sounds good when do you need to know by,
by the way got a set of those harnesses, they are good so easy to fit, but i got carried away and took most of the cars trim out too!!! hope it goes back in ok