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Everything posted by Chris77

  1. next meet you guys have let us know, would have been a good drive out, the last joint meet was cracking
  2. sweet, think we've left it too late to get passes
  3. first race is at 10, takes about an hour or so to get there. if we meet at the Park and Ride car park in Trumpington betwwen 8.30 and 8.45 nice easy trip down the M11, remember your quid for the bridge on the way down.
  4. we were talking on tuesday about going . By the way new impreza looks good WRX/STi should rock. Anywho still up for going along, will be a bit of a tunnel run on the way back!
  5. i'm in was great fun last time, with any luck the weather will be nicer too!! 1. Kevin 2. Smudga 3. chris77 4.
  6. oh no hope you get sorted we've got a meet on the 28th, welches in shelford
  7. yep another cracking day, if only we had last years weather with this years attendance, again cheers to Kev for sorting it all out.
  8. never been to norwich but i'm sure its nice, there is a meet at duxford on sunday should be a good turn out, last year was a cracking day
  9. i'm looking to do a track day about that time but thinking of somewhere else as i've been the a fair few times now, very good track tho!!!
  10. hey there not from norwich but welcome anyway, i've not heard of any scoobys being stolen from there. If your ever down in cambridge we have a regular meet and now the weather is getting nicer (well sort of) we've got afew things planed, just keep an eye out here. chris.
  11. opps, thought you had been! I’ve got my finger on the pulse as usual!!
  12. sounds good, hope you guys have loads of pics, i take it you all had a good time
  13. yea there was a bit on the local news about it too!!!
  14. yea was a good day last year. 1. Kevin 2. Smudga 3. Dibs 4. TomDibs 5. Meridian 6. Ian 7. little green goblin 8. Chris77
  15. yep same here, good trip, may have to get me one of those satty navvy things
  16. i guess so, ian its all in my head, who needs these new thingy sat nav stuff, they lie, (i'll follow everyone else)[:$]
  17. do you mean rob[*-)]
  18. wish they would got a busy day today
  19. yea no worries bud,
  20. try grade A in the links part
  21. yea I’m a little red too, good day.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Thought I’d lost you both in MK but looked in my rear view mirror to see charley flying off a round about at warp 10 and instantly catch me up, that thing is fast.
  22. right meeting the others at sevices on M1 (j15A) at 9ish, so if we meet at milton tesco at 7/7.15 should make it for 8.45ish to have a bit of breakfast. Sound good chaps?? any one else up for this?
  23. i had a quick look and i guess we'll go striaght down the A14? have a look here might help http://www.motorwayservices.info/list.php?by=operator
  24. sounds good, they know a nice route there
  25. its kept in big barrels, i've seen them on TV i'm sort it will be fine[]
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