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Everything posted by Chris77

  1. this i've got to see!!! in the red corner.........
  2. you having the ppp done?
  3. you ever seen a dead cat on the side of the road in cambridge?? bet you haven't!!!!
  4. the one on castle hill is nice, i'll vote for that one
  5. i second that snetterton is billiant, only takes a while to get to know, but once you do some of the lines are so fast, gives you a real buzz, best corners for me are riches, sears and the esses. and its only just up the A11 for us!! good write up!!
  6. how did it go? much fast stuff there? i'm going on the 26 of march, lots of 200sx going to be there
  7. will be good to see you, i know we have 14 from wales attending but dont know who else! cheers, went last year was a top day, looks like the weather is going to be good too!
  8. i'm coming down from cambridge what time does every one think i need to get there for, i got stuck in bad traffic last year?
  9. Hi Pele Yea might as well stick me on the mailing list, if I?m down Kent way over a weekend there?s something going on I?ll come along, cheers Chris.
  10. hello all, Just thought I?d say hello, brought a UK300 about a month ago now, live in Cambridge, but ma and pa live in Ashford so visit them every month or so, will keep an eye out for people when I?m down that way,
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