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Gee Wr1

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Everything posted by Gee Wr1

  1. Thanks very much 4 the clips of me Wooosh My vid cam decided it wasn't going 2 work the 1 day u really need it So im well chuffed at getting these seen as it was my 1st time on track. If anyone has any pics i would love a copy Graeme
  2. Wooosh im not on messenger, but is that ur clips of me at the hairpin that Dougster is hosting in other thread? If it is i downloaded them, Thank u very much G
  3. Does anyone have any pics of me on track???
  4. Hi all, Another great track day, & this time the temptation just got the better of me Was just supposed 2 be going 2 watch, but after watching 4 a bit & knowing there was spaces free the thought grew. Was a bit of a dilema 2 do it or not but after talking it over with friends & John S giving me the final temptation(Cheers John & 4 organizing the day) I finally took part in my 1st ever track day. I LOVED IT!!! Took it easy in most corners till i got used 2 track(thanks J 4 the advice & pointers) but still way slower than most of u. Hope i didn't get in anyones way, was trying 2 move over as much as poss. Thats why u passed me Coulty Never had any moments at all, PHEW!!! Was a great chance 2 get 2 know car better & it felt fantastic all round (power & handling) Still think it was the right choice Will be back for more next year
  5. Hi Jools Hows tricks? The ideas u put forward here sound great. An Inverness meet would be very welcomed. There's a few of us slowly come together & got 2 know each other up here, but there's a lot more running about we don't know. Do the SIDC have such a thing as a calling card that could be left under a wiper 2 let other owners know the club exists? Probably best keeping it 2 a set date thing 2 start with, then as Halo said we have a chance of everyone making it. Also mid way meets with the Aberdeen gang would be great. A run out with a stop for lunch sounds good(& yes away from the A96 thanks!!!) Nice 2 meet a few of u at the show & great hospitality from yourself after. (Had fun on that wee run back 2 the A96 from yours) Was maybe thinking of taking a run down on the 26th BUT just 2 watch this time! So might be intrested if there was 2 be another RR day in the future. Am sure Halo will want 2 run the skyline at some point 2 when it arrives, it would be good 2 mix it in with the scoobs. Im a fairly new member myself (after 2 years of meaning 2 join!!!) Hope u get a good responce this thread Graeme
  6. Had blitz on my old '01wrx & got 2 say i do miss that bassy rumble!!! Very loud & sounds sweet but no chance of sneaking anywhere now mate
  7. Was on my way up 2 town Y'day 2 go shopping, just doddling along(nice day, heavy traffic,in no rush) with a suspicious looking Volvo sitting 2 cars back & detector beeping away, so speed limit all the way. Anyway got 2 roundabout at start of town go straight through volvo turns of. After roundabout i pulled into outside lane 2 overtake a Mondeo estate going slow in front, just as my nose started passing rear of car it lurched, big puff of black smoke from exhaust(diesel) & started 2 speed up. Passed it & carried on (only up 2 speed limit again, road v.busy now) Pass a few more slow cars then pull into inside lane 2 turn down slip road, look in my rear view 2 see this red mondeo flying up behind me! Pull of onto slip road taking righthand lane 2 go into town, going about 30 with row of cars in front slowing 4 roundabout, when said mondeo pulls 2 inside lane of slip road goes bombing passed me, driver looking across at me as if 2 say ha ha i passed u & goes straight up the a*se of car waiting infront!!! 1st reaction was 2 piss myself laughing, then suddenly realised are the people in car he hit ok!!! Mondeo must have been doing 40+, car he hit(mx5) was stationary & took a fair shunt. Both people in mx5 got out & were ok but looked very angry! Bet mondeo driver felt a right t*at. At no point did i provoke mondeo driver, i was totally minding my own business i eased passed him not floor it passed him & had forgot about him till i looked in mirror when turning of. Why do some people react like this 2 you passing them in a scoob?? Happens often, pass a slow car only 2 look in mirror a minute later & they're stuck 2 your bumper!!!
  8. Was that not a concept car designed for a Playstation rally game? Am sure i saw this a while ago on that place we no longer mention
  9. Hi paul_wrx_sti How u doing? Not seen u about since Alford day out. Gee
  10. Can't pm u back u need 2 go into profile & click the "allow PM" option then update settings. Had a look though & it's nothing compared 2 the 1 u got. whats with the boost gauge looks like they've opened the door & just chucked it in there! Think u got something a wee bit special coming 2 u
  11. It's on ther now,
  12. What up dude Your in mine enough 2 be in here even though u swapped sides nowlol Gee
  13. Thanks 4 that Not long after reading what sprint events are all about in Jap performance mag, does sound good. Will maybe make it up on the Sunday as will be at Knockhill on Sat for the last SIDC track day of the year. Will come say hello if we make it. cheers Graeme
  14. Numptie when is the sprint on in golspie? Always hear of these after they've been on! Live about 30mins drive away & wouldn't mind going along 2 watch. Take it it's at the kart track?
  15. Hi Jools, Hows things mate? Been meaning 2 drop u a mail with my addy but havn't had pc on 4 a while, no time lately. Then discovered everybodys in here now not SN so registerd this morn. Did notice RR day & admit it tempted me but think i'll wait 2 next 1 to run it on rollers(after 5k miles) Might take a trip down 2 have a look though, never been to 1 of these days. Be good 2 see u all again & thanks for the welcome & hospitality after AECC (something we all passed comment on, cheers.) Hi 2 the family 2. Graeme
  16. 1. Smiddy - Phil (ex SN SCOSaltire) - elise... soon 2. wrxmania - Brian - 2003 WRX Silver 4 door 3. karps - stickered up 03 sti 4. CAZ1562 - Derek - 1995 WRX silver 4 door 5. JAC - Prodrive MY02 "333" Sti with 1 or 2 mods (inc. sti pink wheels for show & track use ) 6. Evojkp - Evo7 although still a member on a technicality (ie paid membership for a year!) 7. sti-zlv (matt) 03sti PPP 8. Sti-04!! (will find out next week what i have got) 9. kart_man (Std P1) 10. Carl (MY98 UKT aka The Fridge) 11. Coulster(MY99 ecutek 2 decat) 12. Willie - Prodrive STI7 MY02 PPP 13. MikeABZ - Accord Type R 14. Zeolite - (MY99 wagon) with towbar! 15. Grasshopper 16. Dougster (MY97 white wagon) 17. Paul_wrx_sti - (my03sti) 18. Ev(my96ukturbo wagon,aka Evski) 19. WRC No 1 (wullie) - my97 silver wagon 20. ormiboy JDM 95 21. Stiks ( just got off the last plane from Planet Snet! )- Sti my02 custom exhaust and some carbon bits >> 22. weeb my93 silver wrx 23. Lightning101 (MY03 Silver WRX with Pimp Tints and Weight Penalty) 24. Bladerider (black WRX, and Honda Fireblade) 25. SCOOBAY (white STi03) 26. sKunk (WRBlue STi8 PPP) 27. Corsa formerly opelcorsa ( STI 04 firestorm exhaust centre decat,free sti matts,free WRC mud flaps,Pink "I" badge) 28. Subarstar (white MY98) 29. Era 30. TheSquirrel555,{P*SS}Artist formerly known as STI-SPEC-A,JDM red WRX sti with a loudish exh 31. Billyboy 32. 22B 33. Janner (P1 for sale) 34. Gee Wr1 ( Wr1)
  17. Me 2, Hello SIDC
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