Was on my way up 2 town Y'day 2 go shopping, just doddling along(nice day, heavy traffic,in no rush) with a suspicious looking Volvo sitting 2 cars back & detector beeping away, so speed limit all the way. Anyway got 2 roundabout at start of town go straight through volvo turns of.
After roundabout i pulled into outside lane 2 overtake a Mondeo estate going slow in front, just as my nose started passing rear of car it lurched, big puff of black smoke from exhaust(diesel) & started 2 speed up. Passed it & carried on (only up 2 speed limit again, road v.busy now) Pass a few more slow cars then pull into inside lane 2 turn down slip road, look in my rear view 2 see this red mondeo flying up behind me! Pull of onto slip road taking righthand lane 2 go into town, going about 30 with row of cars in front slowing 4 roundabout, when said mondeo pulls 2 inside lane of slip road goes bombing passed me, driver looking across at me as if 2 say ha ha i passed u & goes straight up the a*se of car waiting infront!!! 1st reaction was 2 piss myself laughing, then suddenly realised are the people in car he hit ok!!!
Mondeo must have been doing 40+, car he hit(mx5) was stationary & took a fair shunt. Both people in mx5 got out & were ok but looked very angry! Bet mondeo driver felt a right t*at.
At no point did i provoke mondeo driver, i was totally minding my own business i eased passed him not floor it passed him & had forgot about him till i looked in mirror when turning of.
Why do some people react like this 2 you passing them in a scoob?? Happens often, pass a slow car only 2 look in mirror a minute later & they're stuck 2 your bumper!!!