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Everything posted by paulc555

  1. Looking good mate..... eveyone knows my views on white scoobies... mmmmmmmmm
  2. I must also add my thanks to Brian and Tam for holding it all together at the stand. Really missed going this year, but had prior commitments before I was able to organise the stand with Knockhill. Looking forward to Sunday though...... Paul
  3. Ross The last track day was my fifth......the main advice I would give you is to enjoy it.... there are far to many people who take it to seriously........yes be serious and drive to your ability.... the other thing is not to be pushed from behind into driving quicker and beyond you and the car's capabilities... be aware of the potential speeds both on the straight and cornering of the other cars on track..... but like I said most of all have fun......everyone keeps asking so "how fast did you go down the straight".... "I dont remember I was still laughing to much at how I went round the hairpin......".....so I would say enjoy it mate......
  4. Horsepower Heroes Event to be held at Hypertech, Bonnybridge, Falkirk on Sunday 14th June. SIDC Scottish Scoobies will be entering 5 of its most powerful cars against the Mitsubishi Lancer Owners Club and the Nissan Owners Club..... The event is being held to raise money for the "Heroes" charity.... The funds raised on the day from entry fees will be donated to the Scottish division of this charity helping Scottish soliders and thier families who have returned from action and now suffer from various disabilities. The event will be covered by Total Impreza, Evo and Nissan magazines. Please contact me for further details... thanks Paul C
  5. Scottish Tuning show to be held at Knockhill Racing Circuit, by Dunfermline, Fife. Sunday 17th May.....9am - 5:30pm Club will be present with a stand of around 15 cars. thanks Paul C
  6. my track toy me lookin all official at the motorfair...
  7. Jamie.... John is away on business at the moment. I will be speaking to him again over the next few weeks regarding some up and coming events at Knockhill, however I'm sure if you email or contact Phil he will guide you in the right direction regards enquiry for refund. If the event is sold out it might be easier to try to sell your place to another member looking a slot. I have helped John with the registrations on the day the last few events and there are always people looking to get spaces....worth a thought... Paul
  8. mmmm very nice......enjoy it.....
  9. sorted... thanks for the replies Spooks and John St..
  10. Hi all.. Having recently changed my mobile...for an awful Blackberry Storm....I have managed to delete some of the mobile no's I had stored including John S....... I have been emailing John for a few weeks with no response...... does anyone (spooks) etc....have a mobile no for him.... If you could message me I would appreciate it...... I need to speak to him ref Knockhill and some other events for the club... thanks Paul
  11. Hi all I have been asked to post up details of the following theft by Duncan at Hypertech, Bonnybridge. Happened today 10/3/09 during working hours at approx 9:15am. Blue Classic had the side window put in and a new set of KYB adjustable shocks were taken from the back seat..... Duncan was alerted in time to see the car drive of....it is very distinctive Fiat Punto with 2 Green doors and a Purple Bonnet. If anyone knows of this car from around the Falkirk, Central region and can pass any registration details to Duncan it would be much appreciated... Obviously if anyone is offered a set of KYB shocks for sale for a classic BE AWARE... thanks Paul
  12. looking good gordon buddy.... I know why your wanting to darken the car down...!! discreet layby parking eh!!!......
  13. George I have always used Kumho tyres...had them on my last 3 Scoobs.....also been running Ecsta's on the track car for over a year now and the wear has been pretty good so far......I find the grip really good in the dry, and I guess I would call them controlled in the wet.....or that might be my excellent driving technique........ either way they are usually hard to beat for the money.....!!! Paul
  14. lookin good mate.... is that a baby seat in the back?????.......or just a shadow....
  15. had a think about it...and reckon you should cut the red wire....just look out for the secondary tilt switch...... see who says I know nothing about cars.......can change your front pads if you want mate....!!! not had much experience with rubber either...............I'm more of a latex man.....
  16. this has the potential to run to many flocking pages.....
  17. yeaahhhhh I would like the RA done to... anyone for a group flock......
  18. Paul......I could try and get hold of Jamie.....I'm nearly sure he was going to get the RA done before I nabbed it of him......not sure if he is on dry land or not mind you.....will drop him a mail and find out....
  19. I just hope everyone behaves themselves.....remember this is where we have our normal meet and travel to and from every day.............
  20. personally I think your all mad meeting in Springkerse on a Sunday afternoon especially in the numbers who are going...even allowing for the usual 50% drop out rate.........talk about drawing attention to yourselves...!! you will have central scotland traffic police saying hi at some point I'm sure..
  21. Paul...I have been checking out that website on a daily basis for the last year or so...some briliant machines on there....a lot from the homeland as well...... we all can dream eh....
  22. looks great George...lovin the orange cage......against the white car.....
  23. aye aye...thats what I meant to say......was just getting to it....
  24. I find if you buy one of each type of Magnum Ice cream eat one at each corner and then use the stick to push the piston back works for me....takes around 4 hours mind you...and puts on about 10lb in weight..... although the last time I did mine I used a flat blade screwdriver....but thats on the RA gordon with no ABS to worry about......so not sure for you but Im sure someone will answer you shortly... hope you and the good lady are keeping well....hope to catch you soon...
  25. I think the dice are very fetching......thanks Kayleigh.... thanks to you all for coming along yesterday...not quite the day we expected mind you......but as usual a good laugh...... excellent banter and excellent grub.......good day all round... Paul
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