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Everything posted by Stiks

  1. Once bitten by the bug(eye)...... you'll be back. Your'e welcome to a lift in mine ( only 273bhp) anytime.
  2. twas good to catch up with you all, albeit briefly. swiggster... you are the Bob Monkhouse if sidc. johnny 50 and stevo... get yerselves back into scoobs soon. wl scooby, we thought were dead...or in Saughton... good to see you. Spooks thanks for the keyring. S/net one went in the bin last night.
  3. Dammit - can you make them 17" instead. I'm running Bridgestone Kojak's with a first MOT end of the month.
  4. Spooks, I am coming back from dawn sawff ... 7 o clock flight. I will drive by straight from the airport. Will you guys still be about at 9-9.30. would be good to catch up.... can't remeber what WRXMANIA looks like its been that long. Being a recluse has some benefits Keith
  5. How do you vote 4 times for the last option Brian. More aliases over here too mr Blobeye !
  6. Good to hear that John.... baby Stiks has the unfortunate genetic disposition of his Father... eats and drinks too much. Legs like a snooker table! Spooks - 9th is in the diary...I will endeavor to re aquiant myself with you guys.... been a bit of a work/domestic nightmare over the last 2 months Keith
  7. 1. WRXMania (Brian). 2. Stevo-STi (Steve) 3. Evojkp (John) 4. Stiks (Keith) We need at least 7 to make a proper search party for West Lothian Scooby. Anyone got a St Bernard they can lend us ? Keith
  8. A fine day... for many reasons - the true spirit of Xmas rekindled, meeting some new faces (for me anyway), and putting all that boot space to good use for once. Promise I'll bring a less grumpy mini elf with me next year ! Byres Rd was just fab. Keith
  9. John, Wrxmania explained you have a housefull for Xmas day. Set an extra place.....just in case ! All the best Keith
  10. I'm off work from the 23d - the 10th..... would be up for a wee swally anytime once Iv'e caught up on some sleep. One of your Evo buddies caught me half asleep at the Kincardine Bridge on Friday night .... passed me before I could get out of 6th at 50mph as I bumbled home. White p reg I think. Tell him I'll be more alert this week Keith
  11. Guys, Sorry - not been on line much lately ( busy at work and sleepless nights). Adam was born on the 19th NOV. Eats sh*ts and bellows at any time but only sleeps during the daylight hours. Some transalvanian heritage me thinks. Best of luck John , and stock up on Red Bull !! Keith( eyes like dug baws !)
  12. I see the problem with this ( apart from the legal ramifications for SIDC and poster of a libelous post) as one of consistency. Sometimes a dealer does a great job, sometimes its crap. In Phil's analogy at least the fags all have the same carcenogenic properties! I have seen numerous threads here, and on the other forum which have conflicting views on the merits/demerits of a particular organisation. Often it gets heated. Perception is not always reality and since this is about opinions its a dangerous area. Also how would we/SIDC go about "approving" a supplier/vendor? Can't really see a "3 bad experiences and your out" working because its too subjective. I am fairly clear on the organisation (Subaru approved and otherwise) that I would trust with my car.... and the ones I wouldn't let near it with a chamois ! I imagine if we all did the same excercise the lists would be very similar. Great original post to prompt discussion and debate though. Keith
  13. Thought you had defected to The primera GT OC site ! or done a Stevie
  14. 1. billyboy 2. WRCNo1 3. SCOOBAY 4. KARPS 5. Scooby Santa,Andrew Jnr & Malky 6. Stiks ( possibly with little helpers - spending the cash at Toys'r'us tomorrow !!) cu at Asda R/royston 12.15
  15. John, Thanks for the advice - if funds permit in the next week or so I would probably go for 4. Keith
  16. I have the crappy REO 40's on mine, but two are a bit low on tread. Any restrictions on REO 40's on the back and 70's on the front ?? If not I'd be interested. Keith
  17. Phil, looking good - they will be fitted this afternoon. Following yesterdays service by Nobles, the scoob is getting some tlc after a week of neglect. Keith
  18. Yup. me .... might be safer than an Edinburgh bash Some old aquaintancies might turn up ..... Stevie can you hear me ?? Thursday or Friday might be best Keith
  19. Welcome cat80 - try to get to a meet. You missed an eventful pub crawl in Edinburgh a couple of months back. Anyone seen WL Scooby ??? We should try and organise a Xmas session - W lothian or Edinburgh..... any takers ?? totally unmodified ??? so what are you starting with ?? Keith
  20. Nice one, I'll put the kettle on. Please bring some towels and a some tongs ... just in case. I am thinking about a runabout to get me to and from work, over the winter ( snow/rain grit ,salt etc) and keep the Scoob safe at home. I'll text you later today . Keith
  21. Been offline for a few days ( heavy workload) and domestic PC is not working. Brian, Good news ... now keep it off the green stuff . Can I have a look at yer Primera? I am considering a 2nd car for xmas to take some of the miles off the scoob over the worst of the winter months ? Keith
  22. 1. WRC No 1 - Wullie 2. Stevo-STi - Stephen 3. Karps - Noel 4. SCOOBAY - Del 5 Stiks - Keith
  23. Fair enough .John I'll have a bash. Calling Dave ( aka Kartman) for some intensive (fat) driver training Keith
  24. 20 views and no opinions ???
  25. Phil, I'll kick this off. 1/ Stiks - 2 sets by post - order will be sent off tonight 19/10/04
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