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Everything posted by enCrypt

  1. Ahh right! Post the link and I'll see if its the same guy... Also theres at least two RB5s over here, ones got R85 in the reg, others got R86 or similar I think. Also this morning I saw a VERY nice looking white Type R, very tidy indeed, reg was MAN 1555. Looked like Steve Colleys old one but I think thats got 666 in the reg...
  2. "He's just fitted a Blitz NUR with decat down pipe, thats why. Now the question is was it BUNG IN or OUT. LOL " How dya know who Im taking about then Dave?! More importantly how do you know where I live???!!! (Had to be BUNG IN I think, wasnt much louder than mine)
  3. I also keep seeing a very nice looking new age STi (think an MY03) which is JMN 56 or similar. Usually parked around the financial area of town, and has a Graham Goode sticker on the back right hand side. Any ideas? Also noticed the guy down the road from me with the RB5 has a new exhaust too! Heard him rumbling past the window a few times last couple of nights!! Good Lad!
  4. Oh aye fella! Cant beat a goooood Blaaaaaaaaaast!
  5. I remember seeing the Scoob parked around there a lot. My Dad lives on the corner there, and I go to that Chinese all the time...its the greatest!
  6. Heh! Nice extra letters on the back of the rangey Cret! I presume thats yours is it?! Spotted when going to the Chinese earlier!
  7. Spotted Jon's beast in Marksies carpark this afternoon. Very nice indeed, and I wouldnt be parking it in there if it was mine! (The spaces are very close together... !)
  8. Hmmm, could beat you on the tailpipe...5 inch round Number of cats...well you could probably fit a small family of them up there!
  9. Hmmm...I'll be the one in the WRC Blue 99 STi Type RA Ltd Edition, with the big feck off scratches and gouges in the front bumper after sliding into the back of another car in the snow this morning Not amused one bit as the car WAS spotless.... Could have been worse though but I managed to get 'er up on the pavement a bit so just caught one side... Should be ok with a quick respray but even so... Then to add insult to injury, I came up through Anagh Coar (I work in Spring Valley Ind Estate) and there must have been 20 b****** kids on one corner bombarding every car that went through with snowballs. They got a severe "F**kin Tw4ts!" at the top of my voice outta the window from me, and if I wasnt already an hour and a half late for work, the cops would have locked me up by know I think! b******s!
  10. Hmmm thought I spotted yours the other night Nick, had the reg number on the bodywork at the front and everything... Maybe it was that same one...
  11. As already recommended to someone else the other day, a TSL Firestorm mate. Huge 5" tailpipe, nice and rumbly on tickover and 'restrained' driving, and a mighty roar on WOT! Got mine for about £300 all in, inc getting it over here. And Island Exhausts on the quay fitted mine for a tenner.....which was nice!
  12. Thanks Jon, you have mail on that... Well, I got away fairly lightly today which was nice! Had an 'intermediate' service inc new oil and filter etc, got gearbox oil changed, replaced some vacuum hoses somewhere (thats what the dropping revs was) and cleaned the car all for £240. And the whining diff has apparently been caused by me using the DCCD on tarmac! Now Ive heard / read many thoughts on this and found the consensus was its ok when wet/slippery etc, but Paul almost gave me a bollocking for using it! He was adamant that its only for driving on gravel etc and I should only wind it up one notch if conditions were very very bad, and then one notch only! The most I have wound it up is 2-3 notches in the wet, but thats all... Strange how there can be so many different thoughts on it. Also enquired about the gearbox rebuild, he said between £600-900 to include pulling it out of the car, sending it away (to Bill Gwynne apparently!) new synchro rings and full rebuild, sending back and reinstalling to car. Think I'll wait a while longer then!
  13. Well she went into South Coast tonight ready for them to look at tomorrow. Its having a basic service, I asked them to change the gearbox oil again, and take a look at the whiney diff noises etc... Just hope its nothing too drastic... Parked up next to the Yellow Submarine outside too! That IS a fine looking beast I must say....was tempted to ask Paul if he'd start 'er up so I could hear the Anti Lag, but thought I'd better not! Mind you if mine does end up costing the earth, maybe I could ask CSIOM for a loan of some of his 'millions' , Im sure he wouldnt mind!
  14. Hiya Dave, Not doing too bad mate ta... Its fine when cold apart from getting it initially into gear from neutral sometimes. But once warmed up it crunches going up from 4th to 5th and does a wierd thing from 2nd to 3rd where it feels Ive still got the clutch in when I havent! That one I can drive around but to stop the crunching I have to double clutch it! It sounds to me just like the synchros to be honest, so dont know if that warrants a full gearbox rebuild or not? Thanks for the reply on the lights too. I ordered a set of Vision Plus's for the main lights and got the free Vision Blues for the sideys. And get this....ordered them yesterday at 2pm and they were on the doorstep this morning!!! Just fitted them now and the sideys do look better. Going for a drive when it gets dark to see what they're like...
  15. Just booked the car in for a service with Paul at South Coast today, and mentioned the crunchy gearbox. He said it would clear after they put Castrol SAF X in it last time but it hasnt, and the guy I was speaking to on the phone said it sounded like it would need a gearbox rebuild pretty soon! Has anyone had this done by South Coast over here before? Any ideas how much it'll bankrupt me?! He mentioned the box would have to be sent away too FFS! Damn cars eh? Cheers Mark...
  16. Kristan, Is yours an early 96 RA or a late 96?? If so theres a bit of difference in power as seen on this site... Impreza Specs by Year As far as I remember you divide the PS by 1.01387 to get BHP figure, so the 300PS (which is what mine is...99STi RA Ltd) works out at 295bhp so with my Firestorm on it must be 300bhp if not a little more!!
  17. Didnt have a black number plate did it Dave? Hope it wasnt who Im thinking...
  18. << ...and I can think of some prize winning barry style shopping trollies around here that would qualify for one of the flyers on this site! >> Hehe, you mean like the goon that drives around in the fantastically styled Escort 1.3 which looks like he covered it in glue and drove it through DMS's window....!!? And theres the bog standard looking burgundy Beemer 318 with the big 'wing' on the back...(gotta be a Jap that owns that!)
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