<< Yes it was a great day apart from the queue to get out , the jet car was as loud as ever and there was some very fast scoobys running and that Simon Norris SWB Evo looked the dogs bo**ocks (and it was a bit quick ), makes me want to buy a old classic and stripe it out and start chasing Andy F's times (i wish)
So come on Pele & Loony Toon what were your times then? >>
was that the green and black evo? that was fast!!!!
those guys on the NOZ powered buzas were mad, thay must strap themselfs on those bikes.
<< busy m8,, working at ome setting up pc's for an install i am doing 2mora...
hows that prodrive setup feel on ya car now ? >>
feels a lot tighter, oh just how i like it! hadles very well.
cheers. hows you wing mirror on the van????
<< Sure they were going to charge me £100+ (was a few years ago), sounds like a good deal m8. Made a difference? >>
yep hadles very well! £18.74 for alignment check and then £63 od to do the ajustments, ask for keith watkins, say your from kent scoobies. in the words of jamie oliver "puka"!