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Deano 666

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Everything posted by Deano 666

  2. like the one you had on yours?
  3. << with the light flashing and music going you could throw some shapes at it, and make some boxes!!!! are we doing that down force mod still? YER BABY! it has a cd player, can we do a NOS convertion, then i can see you off on the rolling road, that thay have at the show. i might get some of those neon washer jets, that will pull the chicks! what do you think? Tony what car is it? >>
  4. my97 WRX genuine subaru low level rear spoiler with LED brake light, in dark mica blue, £30.00. painted any colour you req for an extra £40.00. please call 07950 953 824 . or pm me thank you.
  5. hello mate, you really should not put the low octane fuel into your jap wrx this can cause all sorts of problems, such as pre detination.(pinkin) or a misfire, also it will run lean (weak fuel/air mix) and this can pit your exhaust valves and eventually burn big holes through your pistons, so i would suggest to add a petrol injector cleaner to your fuel tank, then fill the tank with Esso ultra and run the car as normal. This may clean out a part blocked injector. best to start the cheapest way first. anyone can throw expensive parts at a car until it cures the problem. also barry, aka 'The Daddy', has a type RA ecu spare, if you need to eliminate the problem with yours. Hope this helps you out!.
  6. << will be going but i have a trade stand for this... >> barry can i put my vauxhall combo on the stand? it has a flashing beacon and everthing!
  7. you could always join me on the train to rainham, we could get pi**ed, and chuck some shapes in front of the jungle dj that thay had last year.
  8. priced well, up.
  9. looks like pele`s car has a twin, hello mont.
  10. hello, im from the sittingbourne area.
  11. does the squeek stop if you move the steering wheel left then right slightly when you are driving? it does sound to me that it could be that the bearing is worn,the bearing expands on long runs as it gets heat from the friction of the dryed out bearing, which is why you steering feels funny on long run, and not all the time.
  12. im bored i hate the rain.
  13. did i hear my name being mentioned?
  14. barry did you strip down the engine after i left?
  15. i bought a wrx from a dealer, the car needed the rear bumper and o/s door painted, the dealer said it would be done, looked good when i picked the car up,( in the rain) next day it looked sh*t, dog hairs, blue bottle flys, all stuck in the paint work. like barry said ok if you are just patching to sell, sorry no offence if it was you out there that done my cars paint work, then covered my car with colour magic to hide the scratches and then continue to bull sh*T me off and tell me it cant be washed for two weeks, cos it has had a all over paint job. BUT IM OVER IT NOW!! deep breaths, in and out...........
  16. not feeling it with the colours, someone said "we wanted to stand out" but there is a fine line between standing out and STANDING OUT! can we just stick to somthing normal. and still some what fashionable. thay dont look cool on the models. or is it just the models dont look cool in those shirts?!!
  17. tuesday, gravesend,about 1.00 pm, yellow classic with black wrc dec`s looked smart, in the club?
  18. well spotted, i also see a few up there. must have been a meeting or something. nice to see people made the effort to show up.
  19. << Need a local dent guru Preferably Medway area. Due to some tosser at Tesco Cheers Mark >> have you tryed the daddy? he is only in sittingbourne, well priced good job.
  20. << Not sure if i can make this one will keep you posted >> WHAT!!! just the one ticket then?
  21. << I already have a company that does the shirts & I've paid the fee for the logo to be set up to these people. I now need people to be willing to pay for their poloshirts up front - this was the problem last time, people wanted to see them before they paid for them & I ended up paying for them then having the hasstle of chasing everyone for the money. I am sorting out the price list with them at the moment - price depends on how many are ordered.... >> are people that tight with there money? as a club member, i would be expected to pay up to £20 for each shirt, as a club we should all want to have one. pele please stick my name down on the list for a cheap as chips polo shirt. thank you.
  22. Now we need others to step up to the plate for either individual events or to completely own and organise things like T-Shirts, on behalf of all. here is a very good and well priced company that can do the polo shirts, CHECKMATE DESIGNS. i have just had my order of just 8 polo shirts turn up. a £25 set up fee is charged for the embroidery, then only £10 per shirt. some companys have a min order of 200 . these didnt! phone number 01795 580822
  23. << << Hopefully the weather will be nice, but take a light jacket just in case it gets a bit nippy up there See you all there hopefully Pele >> Do you think we will still need our jackets >> im taking my donkey jacket and gloves just in case
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