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Deano 666

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Everything posted by Deano 666

  1. is this it!!!!!!
  2. hi dan did you have any luck with adjusting the spring, as i said on sunday?
  3. 1.gtb ltd 2. scoobytoo 3. Dalthegooner 4.Deano666
  4. Deano666
  5. well done, to all that still made it, despite the weather, but what do we expect its british weather, its what it does here! we (wife debbie and i) really enjoyed the nice steady run, we looked like a club, all staying together. well done to markie, barry and dean, "scoobie too" not me. lets make it more offtern![]
  6. you have shatterd all my dreams with ONE post!!!!![:'(]
  7. Dan I touch goats[]
  8. thanks guys, for the big up! ive gone all shy now[A]
  9. nice one lads! glad thing went well[]
  10. i also got a wave from blob eye driver yesterday. old a2 from rainham kent.[8-)]
  11. try razzel! works for me []
  12. yeah, YOU did, you went early didnt you?
  13. catch up with you on the Hastings run ?? Got your name down for the Scooby Ball ? BARRY you little sweet talker you,
  15. 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Granby 4. scoobytoo 5. shrek 6. deano 666 7. Monty (MOT Passed, and taxed !) 8. Sheepie 9. taffr 10. markie 11. scoots 12. Daisey 13. dunks 14. T123VOR 15. Duffman
  16. << 4 days left make sure they are shinney >> what about the cars?
  17. scoobytoo - 19th basser999 - 19th deano 666 - 19th granby - 19th or 26th dunks -19th Shrek + Shrekettes - 19th p*rnodan - 19th or 26th *smiles* - ESC (Any date) any more fancy a nice run to hastings 10.30 start, can we drive really slow. to join in with all other sunday drivers
  18. << scoobytoo - 19th basser999 - 19th deano 666 - 19th granby - 19th or 26th dunks -19th Shrek + Shrekettes - 19th p*rnodan - 19th or 26th >> my goodness, a date that we have agreed onam i pushing it if i ask a time?
  19. Baser999 - either date Granby - either date dunks - can't do 11th scoobytoo- either date deano 666-either date
  20. << I'm sure there's been that many on the list before Deano but how many actually turn up is a different matter........... >> lets be positive about this one barry!
  21. lets make it the 11th of feb, say 1400h??? 1. Deano666
  22. hello, tony thanks for the post about the service.
  23. ive always bean a bit loose know what i mean
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