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Deano 666

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Everything posted by Deano 666

  1. 14! this could be the bigest meeting ever. just hope we dont get out numbered by the mits EVO'S
  2. << 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Granby 4. scoobytoo 5.shrek 6.deano 666 7. Monty (MOT permitting !) 8. Sheepie 9. taffr 10. markie 11. scoots 12. Daisey
  3. neil, did you get any flames?
  4. mont, you never change, do you!!!!
  5. glad you are ok ish, take it easy and get well soon. Deano.
  6. << Hi Granby, Cant make it to meet you at wharf now, was doing a set on the radio to cover someone, will see you at Tesco's basildon, I got a stack of 'ORIGIN' Flyers for you << 1. Granby 2. markie.....replacing sheepie / PMSL i feel like a substitute has sheepie been in a bad tackle 3. Baser999 4. Wedmonds 5. P*rnodan 6. Shrek 7. Dunks 8. Dalthegooner 9. Taffr and Debs 10. Loony Toon 11. dirtmonkey 12. T123VOR 13. Pele (who knows ) 14. Smiles & Mrs - with Santa's go faster bits on - Meeting at Tesco's now 15. scoobytoo >> >> a good turn out of cars tonight, i wish i was going now. be safe.
  7. << Just a note to thank Dean for giving up his Saturday afternoon and fitting my flammer kit, excellent job. >> let me know if and when you would like a induction kit fitted.
  8. be nice to see you there mont,
  9. << See you at the Wharf. . . . .hopefully have some new tyres by then >> barry can you order some for pele lol
  10. 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Granby 4. scoobytoo >> 5. Shrek 6. Deano 666
  11. << Deano, u got a proper garage or just do this in your spare time? >> My full time occupation is a mobile mechanic. I work from a van, no work shop, "i just love being outside in the rain and snow!!" Some work i carry out on my drive, but most of my work is done on site, ie your work place or home. Give me a PM is you need any help.
  12. hello, yes mate i could sort that out for you, give me a ring 07950 953 824 Dean.
  13. hello barry, have you got used to the exaust system and the induction kit noises yet? have you fitted the dump valve?
  14. barry when do you want me to fit you a flamer??
  15. merry x mas to everyone.
  16. the cold weather can cause the oil to thicken, this will make the gear changes stiff, untill the oil warms up.
  17. cant make this meeting, its that time of year where everyone wants to see you, before x mas. like i said i will help were i can
  18. << << Could of been 6th in class (not trying hard enough ) Seriously though thats really bad luck and i'm sorry to hear it might be a engine out job By the way when is the next event Ian ps...do you know where Ian Godney came >> Ian didnt arrive, and on the boards it said he had withdrawn his entry.... Next event SHOULD be Oakington in Cambridge in February....If the problem with the car is not too costly We need to fix the engine, (unsure of cost at the moment), buy some new tyres (again) fit new brake pads (or hopefully some upgraded calipers/discs) and give the car a general good going over... Any volunteers??(ones with cash at the ready would be greatly appreciated!!) jon >> are you hinting in my direction? i will help where i can.
  19. the car is looking good mont. i like the mini scoop,
  20. well done guys the pics look good.
  21. it is good stuff, good performance from my jap import. the higher the ron the better the fuel will burn and the smoother the car will run
  22. im sure i've seen her washing cars at hempstead valley shopping centre.
  23. have you done it?
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