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Everything posted by corsa

  1. Not bad, i do believe you have got them all, the pegs and tax disc holder were the two i thought you would struggle with!! Went a nice we run tonight, Glasgow,Stirling,Callender,Crainlarich,Tyndrum,Inverary,Arrocher,Helensburger,Dumpbarton and back home. Only 750 more miles till the first service!!!
  2. Anyone? :wink: Picture 1. Picture 2.
  3. Love the rally stories but back to the topic of pictures. A few from me. Alan Gardner having a moment. Bob Grant Ryan Borthwick Corus Scoob after some off road work!! Eden Subaru sponsored scoob George Bryson John Marshall cutting the grass John Marshalls a$$ Neil Thompson Nigel Atkinson Strong man closes Pug door !!!!! Rintoul Spin Ross Marshall and the Vixen Which spoiler do you want?? Teg Sport Scoob Hows that lot then??
  4. Neither did i !! flew back Friday night from Portsmouth, unpacked bags on Saturday, repacked bags Sat night, drove early down to Duns,left at 4pm only took in the service area and the end of Swinton where it comes in through the top of Charterhall and then left for my 6pm flight to London.!!!
  5. I will try and get some of mine online tonight.
  6. Gawd knows, clicked one then it all goes bannannannnas. Anyway, no time for chit chat better go and look for a new car, only 13 days and 11hrs left.
  7. I tried that with my mrs once and she slapped me for even thinking about it!!!
  8. I got my new company car on a Friday at 4pm, left the handbrake off and it rolled down the drive into the garden wall!!! Circa 30 mins!! 19" VXR alloy knacked,front splitter and bumper broken
  9. My STI is going away today aswell. Great reliabability for the 3 years i have had it.[]
  10. Unfortunately due to the pi$$ poor response all in aid of the Santa Cruise and the guy above who doesnt understand the phrase "bidding starts at £20.00 i have decided to withdraw the tickets and donate double the amount of the initial bidding value myself. Can someone associated with the santa cruise reply with whom i can pass the money onto and when?
  11. Sunday 20th May is the Speed Sunday Car Trackday, in association with Total Vauxhall. Club stands, trade stands and hundreds of modified cars on display! Plus Track driving for any car with a MOT from only £40! I have had 2 free passes through work and i think they should go to the highest bidder? ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE 2007 SANTA CRUISE. The bidding will stop at 7pm on FRIDAY the 18th May to allow me to deliver the tickets to the highest bidder. Bidding starts at £20.00 PM bids are acceptable as well. Oh and the tickets allow free parking
  12. If you know what goes on at these fairs/events ian and you dont accept the ladies then why go? I dont. You have a choice, dont you? I just thought i would prompt you about the STRC thingy and you bit!!! LOL
  13. Cmon Ian i bet you have seen more t!ts at an STRC event and never said much[] yes it is a car forum but as you stated these models are always around at car shows and its what has been accepted now as the norm. Unless it was Mrs Corsa lounging about the bonnet of my car i would have told her to get the f #ck off and go play with the Saxo brigade!!
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