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Everything posted by corsa

  1. Anyone heard of THS Performance? They supply (maybe manufacture?) Steel conrods, intercoolers, dump valves and samco style hoses etc for a fraction of the normal cost? Anyone heard of them or used them before? www.thsperformance.co.uk
  2. Ive got a small generator we use at the rallies, big enough for kettles,power tools floodlights etc. Its your whenever you need it Billy.
  3. Sorry and no offence but i want a change of shape from the 04. not interested in a modded car however good it is. davie
  4. Ok then so the thread title was a tad misleading. Does it make you think? yes. Dont understand your "too much" reply John.
  5. Should we adopt the hard hitting style like the Irish do? I would say yes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ8oCq8hXps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIx1jbDsTPM&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2_KSEfYlYU&NR=1
  6. Not interested in the power trip thing Mr Mac, as i can keep up if not better some of the chaps with BIG power on the runs.having me say my cars the best on a RR day is not my cup of tea its how you can handle the power you have and use it to the extreme. I am not going to go the road of the import, just need to see how the sums all add up over the next week. davie. Ps Craig, did you get your issue with the proposed seller sorted out yet?
  7. Think i will change the thread title to RB320 Hawkeye STI S202 Spec C Had a look at Litchfields site, oh how good does the type 25 look[] Seriously, i thank you all for the guidance but i think i may still be looking at Hawkeye or RB320. I will be contacting the folk i spoke with earlier this week to arrange a proper meeting. Type 25mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  8. New Hawkeye STI or RB320? I am undecided.
  9. Holding up traffic at Shawfield while dialling 118 118.[] moved on by a nice man in a vectra.
  10. Both replied and thanks very much, nice to speak with both of you.
  11. Doesnt matter what guise i go in the *******s still find me. Maybe its my big lens that gives it waway.
  12. Do any of the main players post on this forum? If so i would be very gratefull if any of you could contact me ( regarding sales).Oh, Ayreshire dealers please ignore this post!!!!! davie. ps would rather keep this off the public discussion forum so PMs would be gratefull of contact numbers.
  13. Its no just the sites i am banned from the events are also included[:S] Great pics as usual Del, look forward to seeing some more. Davie
  14. Try Gilmour Engineering next to Budget tyres on Cambuslang Road. Davie Gilmours your man.
  15. Did a wee check on the 2 Jag plates and funnily enough they are not found!!![:S]
  16. PDF format of the route. BTT BTW http://www.rallyireland.org/pdfs/Rally%20I...%20Overview.pdf
  17. Mark2 Escort big off on Mull 2006.
  18. When are you posting up the good ones Ian? []
  19. I have to agree with dougie there, i have bought my 2 scoobs from John and with 6 years of owning them i have only ever had one issue whereby i wasnt happy.The car was promtly booked in ( they even offered to travel to Rutherglen to uplift it and return it) the issues were attended to and a small dent on the front leading edge of the bonett which i had done hitting a bird, was repaired at no cost. I have my 30k service looming and will almost certainly return there. The only problem S&s apopear to have is when you phone they dont call back as soon as would be hoped ( as of me when i called on Tuesday to discuss a new car) and i am still waiting for a call!!! So john if you are reading this ,the weekend is nearly upon us []
  20. [:@]Paul is of absolutely no use whatsoever mate in more ways than 1.
  21. As per title i require Gerry Gaffneys MOBILE number ASAP. Please pm,Text or phone 07717 130 612. URGENT tonight please. Davie
  22. A wee bump to the top for the route confirmation. Rally Ireland has today announced the venue and routes for the Irish round of the World Rally Championship. "The challenging tarmac stages for Rally Ireland pass through some of the most scenic landscape that the island of Ireland has to offer. Given the great array of international talent that will compete, I’m confident that the event will be a sporting triumph and great entertainment for committed rally fans and first time visitors alike," said Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, John O’Donoghue TD. "This event will be great fun to watch. One of the key strengths of Rally Ireland’s bid in securing this Championship was the unique cross-border nature of it. We believe that this is the best location in the world for WRC and that Irish and international spectators alike will agree with that," he concluded. Speaking at a simultaneous announcement at Stormont Parliament Buildings in Belfast, Minister at the Northern Ireland Office Paul Goggins MP said: "Having the opportunity to bring the WRC to a well-known venue such as Stormont means that thousands of spectators will get the opportunity for the first time ever to experience the thrills of this exciting sport. "I’m sure that having the opening stage here will greatly increase the sports’ following in Northern Ireland. With many millions of people viewing the event in over 200 territories around the world, kicking off this world championship round at Stormont will be another wonder full opportunity to raise the profile of Northern Ireland internationally." Rally Ireland will be the biggest sporting event on the island of Ireland in 2007 and could see up to 150,000 live spectators. The event has introduced a major carbon reduction initiative with the goal of reducing its carbon footprint by 50% this year. Rally Ireland is seeking to secure a long-term slot in the World Rally Championship calendar, and is confident that the support and enthusiasm of spectators and competitors alike will help them secure that objective. Also attending the announcement were John Naylor, Chairman of Motorsport Ireland, the governing body of the sport, John Rafferty, Head of Product Marketing and Keelin O’Rourke, Sports Tourism Officer from Fáilte Ireland. Clerk of the Course Tom Walsh and Assistant Clerk of the Course Noel Clarke were on hand to show the route to the Minister and guests. The event begins on Thursday 15 November with the Super Special Stage in the grounds of the Stormont Parliament Buildings in Belfast. This spectator-friendly event will see two cars at a time competing head to head on a specially designed loop of the Stormont grounds. Competition over the four days will also take in a route that covers seven more counties in the north-west of the island: Fermanagh, Tyrone, Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal, Cavan and Roscommon. Rally Headquarters will be at The Clarion Hotel in Sligo and the Service Park, where all necessary mechanical work on competing vehicles is carried out, will be at Sligo Institute of Technology. "The route of the event covers one quarter of the counties on the island of Ireland, north and south. That gives us a phenomenal opportunity to reach out to existing fans, but it will also encourage others to come out and see a rally for the first time in their lives, knowing that they’ll be watching the best drivers in the world," said Rally Ireland Co-Promoter Ronan Morgan. Rally Ireland is the penultimate round of the World Rally Championships and will take place from 15-18 November.
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