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Everything posted by corsa

  1. Well said, i would also like to thank those who had my thread locked due to some extreme views,the thread was started to discuss the terrible goings on at Glasgow airport NOT to go off on a tangent regarding other views/issues. I did not start the thread to begin a racial war btw. Davie
  2. A Muslim just crashed his car into the Ulley reservoir in Sheffield..................Police think its the start of Ramadam.
  3. A few of my guys are flying down and the ones from Glasow said the queues were ridiculous, they went from the terminal building through the car park to the budget hire car centre.They waited in the queue for about an hour then they were called from the queue forward to check in,the statement saying allow plenty of appears to be true!!! next nightmare is 6 guys flying from Edinburgh tonight!!!
  4. One of them being led away to Govan police station for questioning.
  5. It was just 1 car that was involved and police have changed the statement to only 2 people arrested.
  6. According to Sky News 4 "ASIAN" fellows have been arrested as they tried to throw petrol bombs onto the already alight car. Hang them.
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/6257194.stm Shocking.
  8. Rallying has been hit by yet another blow...Chris, fondly known as the 6R4 man that assisted Tommy morris was killed due to an accident on the Nurburgring yesterday apparantly on a motorbike, no furter details known at this time, heart felt thoughts are with his family. Thoughts from all at GMC-MOTORSPORT.
  9. Aahhh so it was you who kept buzzing by when we were building the Tesco Express? Davie
  10. I did get it on my phone belive it or not. As posted earlier and as requested by the mods no further details will be posted up. Oh and welcome to the forum hitch.
  11. Jodie, i have no idea who you are getting at with your reply but my point was there is a time and a place for any sort of driving and in my honest opinion 6pm on a Saturday night right next door to a buzzing McDonalds with kiddies running about the car park with their chicken nuggets is neither the time nor the place. I know all too well how easy it is to lose control of a car and how far a car actually goes when it is "out of control" i certainlay wouldnt want to hang about anywhere near these people when they obviously have no idea whern the right time or the right place is. 99% of us all have this type of car for many reasons one of which is the high performace and having the ability to drive the car as it should, but only on the right roads right conditions at the right time. I have no objection to young guys/girls driving this type of car and love to see the younger drivers choosing the marque and have never moaned about it. Good to see you agree on one of the points about the built up areas though.[Y]
  12. We are flying from Manchester to Sligo then straight into the stages ( after being picked up by one of the officials) into an area only for VIPs ( of course) and then the party starts in barrys bar in Grange. Party time and rallying what more can a man ask?
  13. Boing to the top and also the rally ireland website has been updated More information on stage times/routes spectator info etc. Enjoy. http://www.rallyireland.org/
  14. Car 1 was a red classic, bit tatty and had a primer coloured bonnet with the scoops removed. Car2 was a tidier classic silver in colour with a front mount and EVOTECH written on the rear boot. No details of drivers/reg plates will be posted.
  15. Ok boss. is posting up the style of cars and certain things on them that make them distinctive but leave out the drivers profiles and reg numbers okay?
  16. After watching a ridiculous piece of what can only be called boy racers. This happenned in East Kilbride around half an hour ago in the car park next to McDonalds. Sliding about, donuts and racing out of the mcds car park like things possessed. I have both reg numbers as well as a detailed description of both drivers one of whom had what looked like a small blonde haired child sitting in the passenger seat. This sort of ******* behaviour gives the marque a very bad name. Question is should i post up the details for all to see? [:@]
  17. Its Jenveys, sounds great btw. Oh and a wee report for Stephen. GMC-MOTORSPORT<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> www.gmc-motorsport.co.uk June update 2007 GMC are back!!!! As most of you are aware we have been carrying out some major engine/transmission development work over the last 6-8months on the Corsa. This has involved the purchasing of a brand new Quaife close ratio gearbox, limited slip differential and a full engine rebuild. Power steering has also been fitted along with a few other interesting tweaks! Having spent a significant amount of money on the initial rebuild, we were all very disappointed when component malfunction led to a catastrophic engine failure. We then took the decision to pull out of both the Scottish Tarmac Rally Championship (STRC) and the Beatsons Scottish Borders Rally Championship (BSBRC), this allowed us to take the time required on yet another unplanned rebuild. Only this week, we now have the engine released, ready for uplift and fitting. After fitting, the next stage is to concentrate on a very precise running in period and with the problems we experienced previously, we are both apprehensive about the entire procedure. With this in mind we are proposing to have the car ‘event ready’ with new engine and transmission ready for a shakedown test event sometime towards the end of July. This will allow us to test the new engine and transmission to its full potential and put us both in good stead ready for the remaining events that we have lined up for the tail end of the season. We will be back soon with an update on progress of the Corsa and when and where the next event will be. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Davie Hatrick/Gerry McCafferty
  18. Well thats it fitted, running and getting the MOT in the morning and the miles will follow prior to the remap. All went sweet and it sounds great. Good to be back.
  19. Oh aye yer all good, i will be back on tonight with an update and suitable replies for all you budding comedians.[] Davie
  20. Its my mate Gerry Mccafferty from East Kilbride.
  21. My boyfriend, now get your eyes off[]
  22. Well tonight seen the first stage of the work with the new engine going in and well it has to be said fits better than ever. Tonight consisted of cleaning engine bay, assembling new box onto new engine and fitting in place. We hope to have it all finally connected and maybe a turn of the key mid afternoon on Friday. A few photos for you all.
  23. Just check your inbox prior to clicking on all the threads easy peasy.
  24. Ok, got out my sctratcher,headed to the Showcase to wave ta ta to the group and IMY was on WARP FACTOR 9 speed, just caught them dissapearing past the Dakota. Anyway the first of many i suppose. STI Pretender playing catch up. 2nd group having difficulty keeping up with the Baby Austin!! Then the Triumph was nipping at their heels. Have a good one guys and look forward to seeing more pics from the day. Nice to meet Tosh 32,Gavin,STI pretender,cyprock,and the pother guy with the blue STI and the wee guy with him.
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