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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. Didn't take any this time, didn't want to steel the ANDYS' enjoyment..................besides after being bombarded with money I was shell shocked!!!! Oops, we've upset the boss!!!!!! LOL [][] DJSCOOBZ must still be trying to learn how to post his pics with his fancy new camera!!!!!! You could appear contrite!
  2. Didn't take any this time, didn't want to steel the ANDYS' enjoyment..................besides after being bombarded with money I was shell shocked!!!!
  3. Please see the Members Meets section of http://cadscoobies.proboards46.com/index.cgi For details! Any none members please post here and I'll pick it up!
  4. Rasher Warby - June Little H - June Hales - June (Spec C) Blue Boy Ajjprodrive CG-Lock Both Events Nige!
  5. We need to get 20 sales in total 6 so far so get your names down!!!!
  6. Beat me to this post![:$] Yes It does even tho' with the rain and traffic caution was needed you do feel more part of the car! Like Pete I need to (no not both for me!) so I'll have to work on "She who must be obeyed!"[] I hope Graham can come to the March meet so he can fit the other one!!!!
  7. But will the 202 make it!!!????????????????????[:S]
  8. Excellent Pics Chaps despite the weather! Good turn out and a BIG welcome to all the new members!!!!!
  9. Rasher Warby - June Little H - June Hales - June (Spec C) Blue Boy
  10. Thank you for all those who braved the weather and got their Scoobies dirty, New and Old Members alike, Oh and Nige for bringing the Mondeo![] Yes Pete the Biggest and the Best![][]
  11. Phew Just stopped for a break on all the Admin!!!! 7 New Members and 1 Renewal (who we thought might leave the Scooby fold..but he decided against it!) Membership Cards Made! About to email the Contact List! And sort the Polo Orders etc!!!!
  12. Could stop.............. .............by thursday!
  13. Sorry Steve couldn't think of anymore LOL!
  14. Paul remind me tomorrow and I'll give you details of Noah Signs in Widnes.
  15. Rob's clutch is slipping & Jenni's gotta work!
  16. Blue Boy X 1 Warby X 1 ajjprodrive X 2 Rasher X 4 DJScoobz X 2 Diablo Blaze X 2 P Tomo X 2 CG-Lock X 1 Little h x 2.5 Andy Gray X 1 Acko X 4 PinkTurboGirl X 2 Bluebotle X 2 John WRX x 1 LeeScoobx3. my93wrx X 1 Andy x 1 ?????????????????? Moneys X 1 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Not yet Pete Jenni had to cry off![]
  18. Blue Boy X 1 Warby X 1 ajjprodrive X 2 Rasher X 4 DJScoobz X 2 Diablo Blaze X 2 P Tomo X 2 CG-Lock X 1 Little h x 2.5 Andy Gray X 1 Acko X 4 PinkTurboGirl X 2 Bluebotle X 2 John WRX x 1 LeeScoobx3. my93wrx X 1 Andy x 1 ?????????????????? Moneys X ?????
  19. moneys Your more than welcome Mate Email me blueboy@cadscoobies.co.uk and I'll email you details & maps etc Bob
  20. Blue Boy X 1 Warby X 1 ajjprodrive X 2 Rasher X 4 DJScoobz X 2 Diablo Blaze X 2 P Tomo X 2 CG-Lock X 1 Little h x 2.5 Andy Gray X 1 Acko X 4 PinkTurboGirl X 2 Bluebotle X 2 John WRX x 1 LeeScoobx3. my93wrx X 1 Jenni X 1 Andy x 1 ?????????????????? Still @ 18 poss 17! Any one else????? Be there or Be Square!!!!!
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