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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. It's ok J I won't charge you...........................this time! thought thats way i got for a tenner, the privilage of standing next to you! I'm cheap J but not that cheap!!!!!!!
  2. Steve are you going to Pm or email him or shall I ??? Lol
  3. It's ok J I won't charge you...........................this time!
  4. Blue Boy X 3 Warby X 1 mean&green x 2 ish Diablo Blaze x 2 Ptomo X ?? Stevie Scooby X 1 ajjprodrive x 2 Leescoobx4 Little H X 2.5 UKScoob X ?
  5. Blue Boy X 3 Warby X 1 mean&green x 2 ish Diablo Blaze x 2 Ptomo X ?? Stevie Scooby X 1 ajjprodrive x 2 Leescoobx4 Moneys X ? Little H X 2.5 Anymore????
  6. Blue Boy X 3 Warby X 1 mean&green x 2 ish Diablo Blaze x 2 Ptomo X ?? Stevie Scooby X 1 ajjprodrive x 2 Leescoobx4 Little H X 2.5 Any more!
  7. Didn't notice owt wrong with it last night, but this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. thanks Pete sussed that after I posted, dont I feel a tw*t[:$] Are'nt i a clever boy. PMSL hope no one other than CADS are reading this!!!!
  9. She's driving her Mum to distraction at the moment saying "I'm bored!"
  10. Hope Pars isn't reading this!!!!
  11. I'm not a paid up member but who can blame me i havn't got a scoob.............. or a driving licence yet! lol 4 more years Oh DEAR!!!!!![]
  12. I think other groups use their own forums more and S/N[]
  13. Pink Turbo Girl watch out you've competition!!!! []
  14. WR Pink now there's a thought!!!
  15. Better LOL!!! Get those Cheques in the post Andy !!!![]
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