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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. EXCELLENT You've gotta watch to the VERY End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![][]
  2. Wanna see your Mondeo Nige????????[]
  3. I will do it properly....I have tinters in water based and cellulose to get a beat a match as possible. From initial it looks like i can match 99.9% of colours either from a chassis colour code to a paint chip match. Plus i will have a full set of paint guns to appy correctly, most times when those type come and do it is splodged on and not blended. I used to do paint repair when i worked at vauxhall and had happy people. Plus if i do a poo job i am not gonna get repeat business. [y] We need to talk Steve!!![]
  4. I like pink take a look atmy suspension arms[] Course they're pink Nige soes the rest of you!
  5. I see you are in here I emailed everyone the Members section password for our forum have you checked your email. PLEASE DON'T POST THE PASSWORD ON OPEN FORUM![]
  6. Yes £1.50 to you ..........................................and the rest!
  7. That's what they all say! LOL!
  8. more naked women in there , so Bob said?? Don't put words in my mouth Nige!!!!!
  9. Who are you trying to kid?????
  10. Haven't you figured out how to use the quote button Nige?[]
  11. That's what I heard Steve![ip]
  12. Now Now.........................................Redline's better!!![]
  13. True he better be in the Scoob but I notice he hasn't put his name down yet! Suspect he's waiting for the weather forecast!!!![st]
  14. Couldn't agree more Pete![][]
  15. Keep up the good work Sophie - you'll be DRIVING him mad in no time[] You can go off people you know!!!!
  16. She's getting better I can let cos she's giving me a hard time with back chat!LOL!!!!
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