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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. Dave, You have email! But to put you out of your misery.......................£10 per annum and me![] Bob
  2. Too true no one else bothers, we've a club to run![] Welcome Dave as Nige says WELCOME & Hope to see you at a CADS Meet soon! If you email me blueboy@cadscoobies.co.uk I'll send you details of the March Meet[]
  3. Please see Meets Section of the CADS Forum to register non CADS please email me. Date: Saturday 22nd April starting @ 0830 hrs @ Prosport. Cost £40.00 per car of which £5.00 goes to Cancer Research UK. 20 cars Maximum!
  4. Steve, Several people haven't checked their Outlook and have been PM'ing me asking for information they already technically have, that's what that's all about.[][]
  5. Sounds like a water spray for the intercooler to me!
  6. Can I ask you all to check your email inboxes on a regular basis, ideally everytime you log on, as there are many times this is the easiest way to inform you of Events etc and there have been instances were people are complaining they didn't know about something and the information has been emailed to them days ago. Thank you Bob. []
  7. LOL when all else fails read the destructions Jaq! LOL[] I take it you are in cos your name's appeared!
  8. Martin it's £5 per car to register for the relay and you get 2 stickers!!!LOL!! Are you up for it?????????
  9. Sorry to hear of the fuel problems, where did you get it?
  10. I think you got Julian MY93WRX's wagon confused with MY93WRX's saloon, the cheek of it. anyway where's the link. No Julia's got a saloon Martin! Check you email if you haven't got it email me.
  11. Andy Gray said he was coming but didn't Andy said he might but did![] All in All there's too many Andy's LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. All sorted...[y] Only Sophie to go now.
  13. Jacki, I've asked Little H to sort it out for you, as I'm IT illiterate![:$]
  14. come on your the man holding the purse strings Of CADS not the SIDC read the thread Nige!
  15. you've got it bad mate Not as bad as you Nige!
  16. you very nearly crackeda funny there Bob......................very nearly[:|] Definitely funnier than your jokes Nige! Did you like the Video? # I had nothing to do with it! Your reputation grows!!!!
  17. Right you mean don't drive my Scoobyitis!
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