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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. Alright Alright so you were the first with a Polo! Stickers won't be ordered until the RO's return the Registration Forms and Fees. Sorry we've no way of paying for them until then![]
  2. Excellent Turnout and some familiar faces[]
  3. she is a member of CADS, pm Bob and he would give you her details, you never know she might see this thread and reply anyway Everyone should have everyone elses contact details cos I email an updated version after each meet.[]
  4. Andy the website not up yet don't confuse it with the CADS forum mate. Steve Sophie still can't get into the forum. You should have had an email from me enclosing everyones email address.
  5. Sorry to hear it mate! Have you tried Prosport?
  6. Bluebotle's on the list X 2 so I take it you are Rick, whether you like it or not! LOL!
  7. Nige, Check the cadscoobies forum.............................and I've put you on the list!
  8. 12 out of 12.................i must drink in the wrong pubs.........lol[] Was that Right or Wrong Andy????[] watch it................................[] Hit a nerve there then ! LOL!!!!
  9. YHEM. Cheers. Welcome Dave £10 for Bob - be careful[:$] Alternativley you could just buy the wine for the girls instead[A] Debbie Debs you didn't say that to me![]
  10. 12 out of 12.................i must drink in the wrong pubs.........lol[] Was that Right or Wrong Andy????[]
  11. http://hemaleorshemale.com/?score=+Take+Test+Again+%3E%3E+
  12. Intend to and to email all RO's just waiting for Postage costs![:$] ps I was joking re the commission ! What was the reaction to the polos???
  13. Come on Pete! After I sorted you out with the CD Rom and all is that the way to behave!
  14. That's the spirit I've put you on the list and you can pay me at the March Meet.
  15. What Vid's this Pete you up to your old tricks????[]
  16. But there are also other events that'll cost ya if you want to take part!!!!![]
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