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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. as in the Northern Big One........????? Not at all J Alton is a lot different
  2. Possibly! but not what you mean![]
  3. Even if no one else says it Pete you know I will! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Pity we can't organise something similar up here!!!!!![^o)]
  5. It's not me who's got Pink on my car Nige[]
  6. What for? What are you up to Nige? just to touch up the STI susoension arms should the need arise as you cant buy STI pink paint anywhere Can't believe that LOL!!!!!!!!!!![]
  7. What for? What are you up to Nige?
  8. Congratulations Andy!!! Do you have to wear a stedson?[]
  9. Was only thinking of him last week!
  10. Is that the guy I put you onto Nige?
  11. Must admit I've bought it but haven't used it yet[:$]
  12. [q] let me make some points. 1. I am a paid up member of the SIDC 2. Most discounts i would get...i can also get through the LADS or Through the CADS(technically SIDC i know) but i still support the SIDC. 3. without the SIDC i would never have bought a scoob in the first (my wagon has gone now, i know) 4. without the SIDC i would not have met the people i have or done the shows etc etc . 5. if we dont support the SIDC and others akin...it wont exist...so you can forget, the shows, any clout we have IM motors or the SWRT. i could go on..... i am not aiming this at anyone in particular...this is my view. and NO i am not loaded...far from it. but hey, life is for living [/q] Well said that man!
  13. why does he turn green???? You don't want to see him when he's angry!! LOL!!! Haven't got the hang of this quote thing yet have you Nige!
  14. But will you get full benifit for you money?????????? or are you just paying for a pic next to your name and 4 mags.......... Apart from the discounts J he's also paying for this forum which you are not!
  15. OMG Rob! Do you intend to get another Scooby?
  16. You don't want to see him when he's angry!! LOL!!!
  17. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Just washed my Primera @ Morrisons Jet Wash it was great no Queue!!!!
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