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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. I have Rick straight away but this lot don't check their emails!!!!
  2. These are for you Nige! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3-Brand-New-Wooden-S...1QQcmdZViewItem
  3. Don't try to switch it onto me Andy be a man and admit it was U!!!!!
  4. You'll get there Steve!
  5. Come on Andy admit it you bougfht it for yourself but Nicky wouldn't let you fit it!
  6. I took mine there to have the geometry adjusted and it ate 4 tyres in 7000 miles.....................I won't be going there again. they obviously don't know their onions then Just my experience can't speak for other people's experiences[:|]
  7. I took mine there to have the geometry adjusted and it ate 4 tyres in 7000 miles.....................I won't be going there again.
  8. Employed the services of an assistant just like all great photographers LOL!!!!
  9. Sanity prevails...........................for a short time at least.
  10. when are you going to learn Bob, what's behind you is not important[] It is when I'm waiting for you Nige!
  11. Graham leave the lad alone..................well at least until he comes to a meet!
  12. Nice to meet you too Dave, get your name down for the next meet asap.[]
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