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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. Whisky in the Jar...................Excellent still got some of their albums on CD[]
  2. Black's a pig to keep clean Mate!
  3. Me too! I have to answer truthfully![:$]
  4. Me thinks its all an April Fool wind up!
  5. Your 3 days too late, i just bought a set of 16" Subaru alloys!! These are yours he's just knicked 'em![]
  6. Is well and truly pissed off!
  7. Andy its where its always been ! LOL!! Sorry to the East of the M6 North of Kendal Si, You need to speak to Boro Babe!!!! Debbie!!! next time she comes to a meet!
  8. Glad you've got it back Jenni and hope you get it fettled soon! Bob
  9. Hi Folks we are invited to the next SMACS Meet details below, they are also likely to be coming to ours. The next monthly meet is on thursday 6th April at 7.15 at the UNICORN INN, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> ADLINGTON ROAD, WILMSLOW. SK9 2LN, next to the SHELL GARAGE see www.scoobysmacs.co.uk for full maps. It is a static meet and we will either be in the car park (first thing) and then in the conservatory. Regretably I can't make it.
  10. Will do Si![] we can sort it out on the 16th. What's this with Boro? Are you a Middleborough Fan?
  11. Sandbach to Forton is the CADS leg one or two of us may go on to Sedburgh
  12. 6th May our leg Sandbach Services to Forton Services. Anyone elae want to register please email me blueboy@cadscoobies go on you know you want to!
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