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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. You'll have to! Don't let them rush you Rick it'll be worth the wait!
  2. What does it matter you can't see out of them anyway!
  3. The Vid's in course give Rick a chance Pete, it'll be worth the wait![]
  4. No missed it Rob but that would have been on the A483.
  5. Yes Nice Car Rob. I've just finished all the paperwork so now's time for Dinner then the Photos! Phew!!!!! and then the Banner Measurements !
  6. There's one on the East Lancs @ St Helens according to Ayde!
  7. It better be a Scooby Wobetide anyone who turns up in anything else Eh Nige!
  8. Only sold to CADS so far I am aware that orders are being collated elsewhere.................Oh and we've got one in OZ!!! Early days yet but I'm confident we'll do OK!
  9. Don't forget Sizes as per the Order Form and to build in the £10 P&P[]
  10. Be afraid be very afraid!!!! Cos we obviously weren't!!!!!!
  11. Should be Ok Lee I'll stick you on tho!
  12. AJJ I'd be worried if I were you about Sunday ![]
  13. Oh we are worse than that Andy a lot worse!
  14. Nice but blank the Reg Mate!
  15. Well said J, thats how i do it. Oh yea! Pete what's with Em's doin' her nut I'll have to behave meself for a few days ............sorry hours!?
  16. just tell her your exhaust is blowing and might need replacing but you know that there are more important things to spend your hard earned on so it will have to wait[] Is that what you tell Tracey Nige?
  17. Didn't know there was a Dales run Bob, cos I'm not allowed into the meete section![] Ah Debs doesn't Paul tell you anything? I'm sure you would love the Dales run as there's a trip to the Forbidden Corner and a Pub Lunch! Come to think of it that's probably why Paul hasn't told you about it he can't afford the bar bill! And I'll have a hangover on the Sunday[<)]
  18. So you've no excuse not to come on the Dasles run as well!!![]
  19. Is it only on the 20th May or the 21st as well?
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